Pay a bill

Last updated January 13, 2025

Did you receive a bill for a false police or fire alarm, temporary occupancy of public property, arena rental or café-terrace occupancy? Find out how to pay it.

This type of invoice, also called “miscellaneous income,” can be billed to an owner, company or individual depending on what is being invoiced.

Receiving your invoice

Miscellaneous income accounts are invoiced throughout the year.

Paying your invoice

These bills are payable in one instalment, no matter the amount.

Additional fees

Fees may apply in the following cases:

  • Return of a check (insufficient funds in the account)
  • Request to withdraw a sent check
  • Issuance of a refund check for a payment exceeding the invoice amount

Pay online

Participating financial institutions

  • CIBC Bank
  • Laurentian Bank
  • National Bank of Canada
  • Scotia Bank
  • BMO Financial Group
  • Desjardins (AccèsD)
  • TD Bank Financial Group
  • RBC Royal Bank

Communication channels

Go to an Accès Montréal Office with the detachable part of your tax account invoice and your payment.

Only the following methods of payment are accepted:

  • Debit card
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal,” in Canadian dollars, drawn on a Canadian bank account
  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal,” in Canadian dollars
  • Cash (check the authorized limit at the point of service)

You can also pay at your financial institution’s counter or automated teller machine.

Ville de Montréal

Service des finances
P.O. Box 11043, downtown station
Montréal, QC H3C 4X8

Send us your payment with the detachable stub from your account invoice. 

Only the following methods of payment are accepted:

  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal,” in Canadian dollars, drawn on a Canadian bank account
  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal,” in Canadian dollars

Please allow sufficient time for us to receive your payment.