Request an exemption in order to convert a property into divided co-ownership

Do you own a rental building and want to get an exemption from the prohibition on conversion? Learn how to apply for an exemption.

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Owners of rental buildings who want to convert the building to divided co-ownership must get an exemption from Montréal’s prohibition on conversion by submitting an application to their borough. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application

The application must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Who can submit an application

The owner or authorized mandatary of the owner of a residential rental building located in the borough.

Eligible buildings 

  • Buildings in which half or fewer than half of the dwellings are occupied by their owners
  • Buildings in which all the dwellings have a function other than residential
  • Buildings in which all the dwellings have been vacant for at least five years at the time that the application is submitted


Fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether the application is accepted or refused.


Type of fee


Application processing fee (including the notice of publication)


Registration of the exemption, per converted dwelling

$100 (up to a maximum of $3,822 (including processing fees)

Required documents

  • Receipt that shows the date on which the notice of intent to convert was received by the Tribunal administratif du logement

Communication channels

Division de l'urbanisme, des permis et des inspections

555 Rue Chabanel Ouest, Unit 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

Methods of payment

  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cash

Division de l'urbanisme, des permis et des inspections

555 Rue Chabanel Ouest, Unit 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

Methods of payment

  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Owners of rental buildings who want to convert the building to divided co-ownership must obtain an exemption from the prohibition on conversion that is in force within Montréal’s city limits by submitting an application to their borough. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application 

The application must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Eligible buildings

Any building with 30 dwellings or fewer located in the area of the borough bordered by Avenue de l’Alsace, Avenue Giraud, Avenue Montesquieu and Parc Lucie-Bruneau.


Application processing fee (including the notice of publication)


For more information

514 493-5115

Request an exemption

By mail

Comptoir des permis

7171 Rue Bombardier
Anjou, QC H1J 2E9

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

If you would like to convert a rental building that you own to divided co-ownership, you must get an exemption to the conversion prohibition that is in effect within Montréal’s city limits.

Use the form below to apply to the borough for an exemption.

Even if we give you an exemption, this does not mean that you are authorized to convert your building. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL) can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application 

You must submit your application within six months of the date that the TAL received the “Notice of Intent to Convert” that you filed with them.


Application processing fee (including the notice of publication)



Required documents

  • Duly completed and signed form
  • Receipt that shows the date on which the notice of intent to convert was received by the Tribunal administratif du logement

Communication channels

By mail

Division des permis et des inspections

5160 Boulevard Décarie, RDC-1
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Owners of rental buildings who want to convert the building to divided co-ownership must obtain an exemption from the prohibition on conversion that is in force within Montréal’s city limits by submitting an application to their borough. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application

The application must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Who can submit an application

The owner or authorized mandatary of the owner of a residential rental building located in the borough.

Eligible buildings

Only residential buildings with two or three dwellings.


Fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether the application is accepted or refused. Only fees for public notices are refundable if the notice is not published in newspapers.


Application processing fee


Required documents

  • Letter including name, address and telephone number of the applicant and the professionals that have been contracted, as well as the grounds for conversion
  • Plan illustrating the number of dwellings, including a floor plan for each storey prior to the conversion of the building
  • Plan illustrating the number of dwellings, including a floor plan for each storey and the common elements after the conversion of the building

Communication channels

In person

Comptoir des permis

1800 Boulevard Saint-Joseph
Lachine, QC H8S 2N4

Owners of rental buildings who want to convert the building to divided co-ownership must obtain an exemption from the prohibition on conversion that is in force within Montréal’s city limits by submitting an application to their borough. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application 

The application must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Who can submit an application

The owner or authorized mandatary of the owner of a residential rental building located in the borough.

Eligible buildings 

Only buildings located in areas marked H12-10, H06-06, H06-03 and H06-14 are eligible. Please note that almost all of these buildings are already divided co-ownership buildings.


Application processing fee (including the notice of publication)


Required documents

  • Letter including the name, address and telephone number of the applicant and the professionals that have been contracted, as well as the grounds for the conversion
  • List of dwellings and, where applicable, the type and number of other spaces 
  • Title to property establishing that the applicant is the owner of the building
  • Power of attorney assigning any authorized person to act on behalf of the owner
  • Plan illustrating the number of dwellings, including a floor plan for each storey prior to the conversion of the building
  • Copy of the notice of intent given to each tenant in accordance with section 52 of the Act respecting the Tribunal administratif du logement
  • Certificate of location

Communication channels

By mail


Attention: Mrs Nathalie Hadida
55 Avenue Dupras
Montréal, QC H8R 4A8

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

The conversion of a building from undivided co-ownership into divided co-ownership (or vice versa) is a cadastral operation. 

In Le Plateau-Mont-Royal, all requests for conversion to divided co-ownership, with the same number of units, must be submitted directly to the Tribunal administratif du logement (in French), formerly known as the Régie du logement. 

If the TAL accepts your request and authorizes the conversion, you must then apply to the borough for a subdivision permit to authorize the cadastral operation before starting the work.


All applications for conversion to divided co-ownership property must be submitted directly to the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Owners of rental buildings who want to convert the building to divided co-ownership must obtain an exemption from the prohibition on conversion that is in force within Montréal’s city limits by submitting an application to their borough. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application

The application must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Eligible buildings 

Residential rental buildings located in an area of the borough shown on the map attached with the borough by-law.


Fees are non-refundable, regardless of whether the application is accepted or refused. Only fees for public notices are refundable if the notice is not published in newspapers.



Application processing fee


Publication of the public notice


Required documents

  • Duly completed and signed form
  • Letter including the name, address and telephone number of the applicant and the professionals that have been contracted, as well as the grounds for the conversion
  • Cadastral plan of the building cited in the application
  • List of dwellings and, where applicable, the type and number of other spaces 
  • Plan illustrating the number of dwellings, including a floor plan for each storey and the common elements after the conversion of the building
  • Certificate of location
  • Copy of the notice of intent given to each tenant in accordance with section 52 of the Act respecting the Tribunal administratif du logement

Communication channels

Division de l'aménagement urbain

406 Montée de l'Église
L'Île-Bizard, QC H9C 1G9

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Division de l'aménagement urbain

406 Montée de l'Église
L'Île-Bizard, QC H9C 1G9

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Owners of rental buildings who want to convert the building to divided co-ownership must obtain an exemption from the prohibition on conversion that is in force within Montréal’s city limits by submitting an application to their borough. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application

The application must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Eligible buildings 

  • Buildings with a maximum of four dwellings, at least two of which have been occupied by one owner or more for a minimum of three years
  • Buildings in which all the dwellings are not for residential use
  • Buildings in which all the dwellings have been vacant for at least three years

Subdivision permit

All applications for conversion to divided co-ownership must include a subdivision permit. For further information, please go to the permits and inspections counter:

Comptoir des permis et inspections 

6854 Rue Sherbrooke Est 

Montréal QC H1N 1E1

Additional information

For further information, please contact Gabriel Laforce, urban planning technician, at 514-872-3063.


Application processing fee


Registration of the exemption, per rental dwelling or commercial space cited

$505 (up to a maximum of $4,430 per building)

Publication of a public notice


Required documents

  • Receipt that shows the date on which the notice of intent to convert was received by the Tribunal administratif du logement
  • Power of attorney assigning any authorized person to act on behalf of the owner

Communication channels

In person

Bureau Accès Montréal Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve

6854, rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1

If you own a rental building and you would like to convert it to divided co-ownership, you must obtain an exemption from the prohibition on conversion that is in force within Montréal’s city limits.

Please submit an application to the borough in which the building is located. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement (TAL) can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application

The application form (in French) must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the TAL.


Application processing fee


Registration of the exemption, per dwelling cited

$80,75 (up to a maximum of $2,721.75 per building)


Required documents

  • Duly completed and signed form
  • Title to property establishing that you are the owner of the building
  • Receipt that shows the date on which the notice of intent to convert was received by the Tribunal administratif du logement
  • Copy of the notice of intent given to each tenant in accordance with section 52 of the Act respecting the Tribunal administratif du logement
  • Copy of all leases in force in the building cited in the application
  • Certificate of location


In person

4241 Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
Montréal, QC H1H 1S4

Sorry, no information is available for this borough.

Sorry, no information is available for this borough.

Owners of rental buildings who want to convert the building to divided co-ownership must obtain an exemption from the prohibition on conversion that is in force within Montréal’s city limits by submitting an application to their borough. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application

The application must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Eligible buildings

Three categories of buildings in Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles are eligible for an exemption:

Category 1

Building in which at least half the dwellings are occupied by an owner or by owners.

Category 2

Building in which all the dwellings are for a use other than residential.

Category 3

Building in which all the dwellings have been vacant for more than three years.


Application processing fee (including the notice of publication)


Registration of the exemption, per dwelling cited

$57 (up to a maximum of $3,410 per building)

Required documents

For all building categories 

  • Title to property establishing that the applicant is the owner of the building
  • Certificate of location
  • Declaration indicating the name of the building occupants, where applicable

Category 1 building

  • Copy of all leases in force in the building cited in the application
  • Copy of the notice of intent given to each tenant in accordance with section 52 of the Act respecting the Tribunal administratif du logement
  • Receipt that shows the date on which the notice of intent to convert was received by the Tribunal administratif du logement

Category 3 building

  • Copy of any document proving that all the dwellings in the building cited in the application have been vacant for more than three years and a declaration thereof

Communication channels

Division des permis et de l’inspection


Monday to Friday: from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A message can be left on voicemail 24 hours a day.

Division des permis et de l’inspection

12 090 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1

Arrive at least 60 minutes before closing.

Division des permis et de l’inspection

12090 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Owners of rental buildings who want to convert the building to divided co-ownership must obtain an exemption from the prohibition on conversion that is in force within Montréal’s city limits by submitting an application to their borough. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application 

The application must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Who can submit an application

Owners or authorized mandataries of the owner of a residential rental building located in the borough. The owner or mandatary must live in the building at the time the application is submitted.


Type of fee


Application processing fee (including the notice of publication)


Registration of the exemption, per converted dwelling


Required documents

  • Receipt that shows the date on which the notice of intent to convert was received by the Tribunal administratif du logement

Communication channels

Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie – Accès Montréal Office

5650 Rue d’Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

Methods of payment

  • Cash
  • Debit card or credit card (Mastercard, Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie – Accès Montréal Office

5650 Rue d’Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

The borough does not have a by-law providing for an exemption on the conversion to divided co-ownership.

For an application for an exemption in order to convert a property into divided co-ownership, please go to the Saint-Léonard permit counter.

Communication channels

8400 Boulevard Lacordaire
Montréal, QC H1R 3B1

This service is not offered in this borough.

Owners of rental buildings who want to convert the building to divided co-ownership must obtain an exemption from the prohibition on conversion that is in force within Montréal’s city limits by submitting an application (in French) to their borough. An exemption granted by the borough does not constitute an authorization to convert. Only the Tribunal administratif du logement can authorize a conversion.

When to submit your application

The application must be completed and submitted within six months of the date of receipt of the notice of intent by the Tribunal administratif du logement.

Who can submit an application

The owner or authorized mandatary of the owner of a residential rental building located in the borough. 

Eligible buildings

Rental buildings located in a zone where the vacancy rate for dwellings is equal to or greater than 3 per cent.

Building categories not submitted to the 3 per cent rule

  • Buildings in which at least half of the dwellings are occupied by their owners
  • Buildings in which all the spaces have a function other than residential
  • Buildings in which all the dwellings are vacant and were already vacant prior to January 28, 2000

Cadastral operation

A cadastral operation is required in order to convert a building to divided co-ownership. Your land surveyor must approve it. To learn more, contact a built heritage agent at your permit counter. 


  1. Information meeting at the permit counter 
  2. Application submission
  3. Project evaluation
  4. Publication of a public notice and posting 31 days before the borough council 
  5. Adoption of a resolution to approve or refuse the application 
  6. Copy of the resolution is sent to the applicant
  7. Applicant continues the process at the Régie du logement

Processing times

Evaluation and processing times may vary between two and four months once a complete application has been submitted.


Application processing fee


Registration of the exemption, per dwelling cited

$62 (up to a maximum of $3,109 including processing fees)

Publication of a public notice



Required documents

  • Duly completed and signed form 
  • Receipt that shows the date on which the notice of intent to convert was received by the Tribunal administratif du logement
  • Power of attorney assigning any authorized person to act on behalf of the owner

From each owner-occupant, three proof of residency documents from among the following:

  • Title to property establishing that the applicant is the owner of the building
  • Québec driver’s license
  • Bill from a public utility (electricity, telephone, gas or cable provider) that is less than three months old
  • Recent home insurance certificate or statement

Communication channels

Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
17th floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8

Methods of payment

  • Cash
  • Debit card or credit card (Mastercard, Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
17th floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8

Methods of payment

  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

The borough no longer authorizes the conversion of buildings to divided co-ownership within its borough limits.

Communication channels

By phone

Permit counter
