Sell a building that is subject to the pre-emptive right

Last updated May 7, 2020

Are you the owner of a building that is subject to the pre-emptive right? Have you accepted a purchase offer and need to know what your obligations to the city are? Find out here.

You must send us a “Notice of Intent to Alienate an Immovable” form if you meet both of the following conditions:

  • You received an official letter from the city titled “Notice of Pre-Emptive Right” over the past 10 years.
  • You received a signed and accepted purchase offer from a buyer, and if this offer included conditions, those conditions have been met. 

The city has 60 days to decide if it wants to purchase the building under the conditions set out in the purchase offer, after which time, the sale can take place as planned.


Required documents

In addition to your Notice of Intent, you must provide the following documents:

  • Signed and accepted purchase offer
  • Non-monetary consideration, if applicable, and report on the estimated monetary consideration
  • Resolution or power of attorney designating the agent
  • Certificate of location
  • Leases
  • Contract from the real estate broker
  • Environmental studies, if applicable
  • Building assessment report, if applicable

These documents could be subject to a request for access to information. If you believe that certain information should remain confidential, please let us know when you submit your notice.

Communication channels

Greffe de la Ville

155, rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H2Y 1B5

You will receive a confirmation of receipt with a reference number.

City clerk’s office

155 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H2Y 1B5

You will receive a confirmation of receipt with a reference number.

You will receive a confirmation of receipt with a reference number.