Lachine's Cleanliness and Beauty—a Winning Combinatio

Published April 30, 2024 - 1:19 pm
Last updated June 27, 2024 - 11:07 am

In Lachine, we’re proud of our beautiful spaces! The borough is in fact building on this shared spirit of love with its new campaign promoting cleanliness.

As you stroll through the parks, you will see campaign messages serving as reminders of winning combinations, like your dog’s droppings and the litter basket, or you might see incompatible things, like a park bench buried under snack wrappers. These campaign messages provide support for our blue-collar workers in the field, particularly those involved in the Cleanliness Project, introduced in 2023. This small crew goes up and down Lachine territory from mid-April to mid-November to deal with problem situations. During the last summer season, the crew removed over 1,050 m³ of garbage from the borough’s roads, parks and other public areas. That’s over thirty large containers!

Cleanliness: a common goal

We can all do our part by placing our garbage in the appropriate containers or, better still, by organizing ourselves to leave no trace of our visit, for example by using reusable tableware or bringing home our picnic leftovers and small bits of garbage likely to blow away. In this way, Lachine will always look beautiful!

Help us keep our city clean by reporting any debris or dirt you see in parks, streets or alleys. You can notify us online, using the Montréal - Resident Services app.