LaSalle's Borough Council Welcomes Generations Chair

Published May 8, 2024 - 6:29 pm
Last updated June 27, 2024 - 11:07 am

At the Borough Council meeting on Monday, May 6, 2024, the elected representatives warmly accepted a Generations Chair by way of a resolution, intended to remind them that the decisions they make today have an impact on our children’s future.

The Generations Chair was presented by Grade 4 students from Della Gagnon’s class at Sainte-Geneviève Sud school in LaSalle. For the occasion, the children and their parents attended the unveiling of this chair, which was transformed into a “work of art”.

Such chairs can be found in a number of municipal council rooms across Québec. By taking its place around the Council table, this chair—which will be permanently located in the Council room—will represent and carry the symbolic voice of children.

An initiative that brings hope

The Generations Chair is a provincial initiative spearheaded by Mères au Front. It is a symbol of the group’s key demand towards the various levels of government. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the impact of decisions on the environment, in order to protect the future of generations to come.