New Facilities in LaSalle: Parc Leta-Graydon

Published May 29, 2024 - 1:45 pm
Last updated May 29, 2024 - 1:45 pm

Located in the heart of the Vida LaSalle project, at the corner of rue Bouvier and rue Jacqueline-Sicotte, the Borough will be creating the brand-new Parc Leta-Graydon this summer.

In order to provide residents with a park that lives up to their expectations, the Borough surveyed local residents to find out about their preferences and habits. In light of the survey results and available space, the following equipment will be installed:  

  • an exercise structure for ages 13 and over
  • universally accessible play panels for ages 12 and under
  • ping-pong table
  • a mister
  • various furniture

In addition, a relaxation area will be set up for seniors, including a table with a shelter to encourage exchanges, a game table with a checkerboard, a game on the ground and exercise equipment with instructions to encourage physical fitness. A large number of trees will be planted as well.

Veterans’ monument

The monument situated on the former grounds of the Royal Canadian Legion LaSalle 212, at 7771 rue Bouvier, will be relocated to Parc Leta-Graydon. The monument pays tribute to all those who have served Canada, past and present, in times of war, military conflict or peace.

Who was Leta Graydon?

She co-founded the Société historique Cavelier-de-LaSalle (with Jacqueline Sicotte). Leta Graydon and her husband Albert Stinson contributed to the preservation of the Fleming Mill and the archaeological site of the Église-des-Saints-Anges-de-Lachine.