Take up the Pollinator Challenge in LaSalle!

Published April 24, 2024 - 1:04 pm
Last updated May 23, 2024 - 8:39 am

The Borough invites you to take part in the Pollinator Challenge, by letting the wildflowers, including dandelions, that appear on your lawn in spring, blossom and grow.

These flowers are often the only source of food for pollinators at this time of year. By letting them grow, you’re helping to safeguard pollinating insects, including bees and monarch butterflies, which are essential for maintaining biodiversity. 

How can you get involved?

Until the end of May, delay mowing your lawn (and flowers!) to allow pollinators to get their fill of pollen and nectar. We also encourage you to support pollinators all summer long, by diversifying your lawn or adding to your flowerbeds. Include flowering ground covers, such as clover or thyme, or nectar-bearing plants with varied flowering periods, such as milkweed or wild bergamot.

At all times, it’s important to respect your neighbours’ choices, whether or not they take part in the challenge.

The Borough’s commitment to the Challenge

Continue along the waterfront at the following locations:

  • Parc Marie-Claire-Kirkland-Casgrain
  • along 43e Avenue
  • between 8323 boulevard LaSalle and 8e Avenue

Delay grass cutting until the end of May on the following municipal properties:

  • Borough Hall, 55 avenue Dupras
  • Parc Félix-Leclerc, corner rue Salley and rue Parent
  • Aréna Jacques-Lemaire, 8681 boulevard Champlain

The other municipal grassed areas will be maintained to ensure that the facilities are accessible and optimally utilized.