Parc Jeanne-Mance cross-country ski trail

Last updated February 1, 2024
4422 Avenue de l'Esplanade
Montréal, QC

Since January 2024, Parc Jeanne-Mance has been offering an extended cross-country ski trail.


The new cross-country ski trail winds through the park and has a total length of about three kilometers.

Refer to the map to see the initial two-kilometer version of the trail.

In January 2024, the course was revised to add an additional kilometer to it! The new route will soon be available here for review.

The dog park has been temporarily moved near the baseball field for the duration of the ski season so that cross-country ski trails can be surfaced.


  • Drinking fountain
  • Heated areas



Parc Jeanne-Mance cross-country ski trail
4422 Avenue de l'Esplanade
Montréal, QC