Press release

Heat wave - Montréal takes proactive action by rolling out preventive initiatives for the heat wave

Published May 31, 2023 - 1:36 pm
SourceService de la concertation des arrondissements et de l'expérience citoyenne

Montréal, le 31 mai 2023 — In preparation for the high temperatures forecasted for the upcoming days across the urban agglomeration of Montréal, the city is taking proactive action through several initiatives meant to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the population.

While criteria for the activation of the special response plan for extreme heat have not been met, the city’s civil protection centre has recommended that boroughs and related municipalities enhance their services with respect to play fountains and air conditioned facilities. Montrealers are encouraged to go to to access the interactive map, updated in real time, in order to find the nearest cooling stations, as well as their opening hours.

Montréal is also inviting the population to enjoy the cool air of its numerous natural habitats such as local parks, nature parks and large parks.

In a constant effort to look after its most vulnerable citizens, the city’s civil protection centre (Centre de sécurité civile de Montréal) will be providing bottled water to some ten community organizations who work on the city’s streets, in order to hand the bottles out in public areas.

Montréal will also be distributing bottled water to community organizations working with homeless people, so as to ensure a sufficient supply for the next three days. 

In this respect, Montréal is encouraging all citizens to show solidarity and kindness towards their peers, namely by reading about the prevention tips and symptoms to watch out for

The special response plan for extreme heat (Plan particulier d'intervention – Chaleur extrême) of the Plan de sécurité civile de l’agglomération de Montréal (PSCAM) is only activated when the regional public health authority's criteria are met, namely that the weighted average temperature forecasted over 3 days is of more than 33°C with night time temperatures equal to or exceeding 20°C, or that overnight temperatures exceed 25°C for two consecutive nights. 

Every day, through the Montréal civil protection centre, the urban agglomeration works in collaboration with its partners to monitor weather parameters continuously, and to be prepared to roll out various actions, if needed.