Tips to follow during a heat wave

Last updated June 17, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

What should you do during a heat wave? Where are the public places you can go to cool off in Montréal? Follow these tips to protect yourself.


  • Drink lots of water before you feel thirsty.
  • Spend a few hours a day in an air-conditionned or cool location.
  • Take a cool shower or bath or cool your skin with a damp cloth.
  • Reduce your physical efforts.
  • Wear light-couloured clothing.
  • Keep in touch with family and friends.
  • Close all windows, curtains and blinds when the sun is blazing.
  • Use heat-generating appliances as little as possible (stove, oven, dryer, television, lights, etc).
  • Drink alcoholic beverages, beverages with a high caffeine content or high sugary content in moderation, as they dehydrate you.

Places to cool off

During a heat wave, the opening hours of many public places could be extended.

Remember to check the opening hours before making your way to any of these locations by contacting them.

Symptoms to watch for

Call Info-Santé at 811 or talk to a health care professional if you have these symptoms. 

  • Exhaustion (fatigue)
  • Dehydration (dry mouth)
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Fainting 

If you have these symptoms and are also feverish, you may be experiencing heatstroke. This is a medical emergency. Call 911 to get help quickly.

Look out for your loved ones and neighbours

Let’s stick together! You can do your part to mitigate the impacts of a heat wave.

During a heat wave, take a few minutes, on a regular basis, to look out for the well-being of your loved ones and the people in your neighbourhood who are more isolated.