Call for projects: Montréal culturelle, verte et résiliente

Last updated February 8, 2024

Are you an artist, an organization or a borough presenting cultural mediation projects? This call for projects aims to mobilize the cultural community and residents in an effort to promote community resilience in the context of the climate emergency.


The call for projects has two components, one for the cultural community, and one for Montréal boroughs.

Component 1 (cultural community)

This component aims to support projects by cultural organizations, artist collectives and professional artists, including writers, with the objective of mobilizing residents and actors in other sectors around issues related to the social and ecological transition.

Under Component 1, the maximum sum allocated for the completion of a project is $20,000 and cannot exceed 85 per cent of the overall budget.

Component 2 (Montréal boroughs)

This component aims to help Montréal boroughs complete projects that promote the sharing of best practices, the pooling of resources, and the promotion of initiatives.

For Component 2 , the maximum sum allocated for the completion of a project is $10,000. The contribution from the boroughs must be equivalent to a minimum of 15 per cent of the costs directly related to the completion of the project proposed under this call for projects.

Eligibility criteria

Les critères d’admissibilité sont les suivants :

Organismes culturels (volet 1)

  • Être un organisme à but non lucratif ayant une mission culturelle ou de mise en valeur patrimoniale (sont exclus les établissements d’enseignement et de formation
  • professionnelle).
  • Établir le projet en partenariat avec des organismes locaux ou avec un ou des arrondissements.
  • Exercer une activité culturelle régulière, depuis plus d’un an, dans le secteur des arts vivants, de la musique, des arts visuels, des métiers d’art, des arts urbains, des arts numériques, de la littérature, de l’édition, de la production audiovisuelle, de la muséologie, du patrimoine ou du loisir culturel.
  • Avoir un siège social à Montréal.
  • Recevoir des subventions annuelles inférieures à 375 000 $ de la Ville (Service de la culture, arrondissements et Conseil des arts de Montréal (CAM)) et/ou du gouvernement du Québec (MCC, Conseil des arts et lettres du Québec (CALQ) et Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC)).
  • Avoir respecté ses engagements lors de l’attribution de soutiens financiers antérieurs et être en règle avec les différents services de la Ville, notamment en vertu de la loi sur le patrimoine culturel.

Professional artists, including writers (Component 1)

  • Avoir une résidence sur le territoire de Montréal.
  • Dans le cas d’une inscription au nom d’un collectif, la majorité des membres doit avoir une adresse sur le territoire montréalais.
  • Établir des partenariats avec des organismes locaux ou avec un ou des arrondissements.
  • Exercer une activité culturelle régulière, depuis plus d’un an, dans le secteur des arts vivants, de la musique, des arts visuels, des métiers d’art, des arts urbains, des arts numériques, de la littérature, de l’édition, de la production audiovisuelle, du patrimoine ou du loisir culturel.
  • Avoir respecté ses engagements lors de l’attribution de soutiens financiers antérieurs et être en règle avec les différents services de la Ville.

Les projets se déroulant sur le domaine public devront faire l’objet d’une assurance-responsabilité civile d’au moins 2 millions de dollars qui sera à la charge du demandeur, s’il y a lieu.

Montréal boroughs (Component 2)

The application must come from the borough’s Division Culture et bibliothèques and must present a project involving a partnership with a cultural organization or an organization involved in the enhancement of historical value, an artist collective, or a professional artist (including writers).

The project also must lead to the creation or consolidation of lasting partnerships within the municipal administration.

Eligible projects

  • Projects submitted must meet the objectives set out under the call for projects.
  • Letters of confirmation detailing contributions (financial, human, material resources, etc.) from each partner are required.
  • Two applications cannot be submitted to the Service de la culture for the same project during the same year.
  • Projects must be completed between January 1 and December 31, 2024.
  • Les demandes incomplètes et/ou déposées après la date de tombée seront automatiquement rejetées.

Partnerships and interdisciplinarity

Partnerships are essential to the success of projects. They help consolidate actions and make them part of the fabric of the city, and they promote more sustainable and resilient cultural development.

Project partners must come from the broader community, the environmental community, the social intervention community, or from the education, health, research or municipal sectors (e.g., maisons de la culture arts centres, libraries, museums, the Espace pour la vie, parks, etc.).

Projects must include partners from a perspective of interdisciplinarity and synergy between various communities, i.e., cultural, historical, community, environmental, educational, cultural recreation, research and/or educational communities.

Projects can also involve the municipal administration (maisons de la culture arts centres, museums, libraries including “fabricathèques”, recreation and community centres, parks, éco-quartiers, arenas, etc.).

Evaluation criteria

For these two components, projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

Overall quality of the project

  • How well the project meets the objectives of the call, and relevance of the subject matter in relation to resilience or social and ecological transition.
  • The quality of the cultural mediation and the practices proposed: Context, concept, participation, number of activities and duration of the project.

Participating populations

  • An inclusive approach that respects the diversity of target populations and neighbourhoods.
  • Quality of the learning or experience offered to participants.

Project impacts

  • The impact on participants, environments and practices, and the quality of the proposed indicators and targets (e.g., discovery of the arts that promotes social and ecological transition, active experimentation, changes in lifestyle and enrichment of social ties).
  • The structuring potential of the proposed initiative.
  • The implementation of an eco-responsible approach or actions that limit the impact on the environment.

Applicant's expertise

  • The project team’s cultural expertise and experience in cultural mediation.
  • The clarity and relevance of the budget.
  • The ability to implement and complete the project.
  • For projects presented in the public space, the ability to respect existing by-laws and safety rules.


  • The relevance and quality of partnerships, based on communities, targeted neighbourhoods and the issue of social and ecological transition.
  • The development of sustainable or innovative partnerships, favouring the transversality and coherence of actions.

Submit an application

The online form, completed and signed, must be submitted with the required documents by no later than Friday, September 29 at 11:59 p.m.

No documents will be accepted after the submission deadline.

Required documents

  • Background, including the applicant’s artistic approach
  • CVs of the project’s main participants 
  • Presentation of the project, including technical details - please see the document entitled “Présentation détaillé du projet” (Detailed presentation of the project) (if the project involves the creation of an artwork for the public space, you must complete the section specific to such a project.)

    Detailed budget (please see the document entitled “Grille budgétaire Volet 1”) (Budget schedule Component 1)
  • Timeline for project completion
  • Letters of commitment from partners detailing contributions (financial, human, material resources, etc.)
  • A copy of the complete letters patent of the organization
  • Financial statements for the organization’s last financial year 
  • The list of the members of the 2023 board of directors
  • A resolution from the organization’s board of directors dated in 2023 authorizing the application for financial assistance and authorizing the designated person to sign any commitment related to the application
  • Presentation of the project (please see the Component 2 document entitled “Présentation détaillée du projet”) (Detailed presentation of the project)
  • Curriculum vitae of the main participants (artists, writers, facilitators, coordinators, mediators, etc.)
  • Detailed budget (please see the document entitled “Grille budgétaire Volet 2”) (Budget schedule Component 2)
  • Letters of commitment from partners detailing contributions (financial, human, material resources, etc.)
  • Signature of the designated person with the required authority

Information sessions

Virtual information sessions will be held on May 3 and 4, 2023.

  • For the cultural community (Component 1): Wednesday, May 3, 2023 from noon to 1:30 p.m.
  • For the literary community (Component 1): Thursday, May 4, 2023 from noon to 1:30 p.m.
  • For the borough teams (Component 2): Thursday, May 4, 2023 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

In partnership

This program was developed as part of the 2021-2024 cultural development agreement between the city and the government of Québec.

  • Logo du Gouvernement du Québec

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