Call for projects under the “Montréal Interculturel” program 2023

Last updated August 21, 2023

Do you operate a non-profit organization in the field of social development or intercultural relations? The city invites residents to submit a project that promotes ethnocultural diversity and opportunities for dialogue aimed at fighting discrimination and racism.


The call for projects under Montréal’s 2023 intercultural program is made possible thanks to joint financing from the city and the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration.

Organizations can submit projects in one component of the program or in both components.


Component 1:  Strengthening intercultural ties


The project must meet at least one of the following objectives:

  • Promote intercultural relations within Montréal’s population through dialogue and the adoption of an educational approach.
  • Raise awareness of issues related to racism and discrimination among communities, and give them the tools to take concrete action.

Component 1 of the program aims to support projects spanning a few weeks or several months.


Projects can receive up to $60,000 in financing.

You have until April 11th to submitt your projects in the GSS platform (in French).


Component 2: Promoting ethnocultural diversity


The project must meet at least one of the following objectives: 

  • Raise public awareness about ethnocultural diversity. 
  • Recognize and promote the contribution of various ethnocultural groups within Montréal society.
  • Foster dialogue aimed at fighting racism and discrimination.

This component aims to support one-time events (workshops, community meetings, etc.) with a maximum cost of $10,000, until the fund is exhausted. 

You have until September 29th to submit projects for this component.


A total budget of $40,000 will be distributed among the eligible organizations.

Eligibility criteria

Non-profit organizations (NPO) recognized by the Registraire des entreprises du Québec can submit an application. 

These organizations must: 

  • Have operated on the island of Montréal for at least two years.
  • Have significant knowledge of issues that affect strengthening intercultural ties and promoting ethnocultural diversity.
  • Have relevant experience related to the project they submit.

Eligible projects

Projects must:

  • Take place in Montréal.
  • Offer activities free of charge or at a nominal cost to promote participation.
  • Integrate gender-based analysis (ADS+).
  • Meet the program objectives.

Completion of projects

All projects funded under the program must be completed in full by no later than March 31, 2023.

Submit a project

Applications must be submitted during the following periods:  

  • August 24th to September 29th  at 17 h 00 for component 2.

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