Support for entrepreneurship: Ethnocultural communities

Last updated April 24, 2024

Does your organization support businesses’ pre-startup or startup stages? Are most of your clients ethnoculturally diverse? You could receive financial assistance to facilitate access to resources and services for these entrepreneurs.


The entrepreneurial ecosystem is still unknown to many people from ethnocultural communities. The “Entreprendre ensemble” call for projects aims to help entrepreneurship orientation organizations integrate this clientele into the Montréal business community. 

Selected organizations will receive free support from a community of practice led by specialists from HEC Montréal.


  • Increase access to entrepreneurial ecosystem services for members of ethnocultural communities who own or want to start a business 

  • Promote the development of their entrepreneurial skills 

  • Support their perseverance and the success of their business projects in the initial stages of their entrepreneurial journey

Financial assistance

Maximum financial contribution is $75,000 per project year. 

Financial assistance cannot exceed 75 per cent of total funding for the project.


Eligible organizations

The organization must: 

  • Be a non-profit organization (under Part III of the Québec Companies Act or the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act) or an eligible non-profit solidarity cooperative within the meaning of the Québec Municipal Powers Act 

  • Be established in the greater Montréal area 

  • Pursue a mission relating to support for entrepreneurship, or socio-economic inclusion through entrepreneurship (demonstrate that entrepreneurial support actions have been carried out for at least 2 years) 

  • Demonstrate sound financial and governance practices 

Selected organizations must agree to participate in the community of practice led by HEC Montréal.

Eligible projects

The project must:

  • Take place in the greater Montréal area 
  • Meet the objectives of the call for projects 
  • Take place over a period of 1 year 

    • Start no later than September 30, 2024 
    • End no later than September 30, 2025 

Only one proposal per organization may be submitted. 

Organizations that do not already receive an annual subsidy of more than $100,000 from the city will be prioritized.


Eligible expenses
  • Salaries 
  • Professional fees required to implement the project 
  • Acquisition or rental of equipment or supplies 
  • Rental of project-related space 
  • Expenses related to communication and promotion of the project 
  • Management costs (administrative coordination of the project) - maximum 10% of the cost of the project 
  • Technology costs that are directly related to the project 
  • Project planning costs
Eligible expenses
  • Expenses that are not justifiable or that are not directly related to the project 
  • Operating costs of the organization 
  • Expenses incurred prior to the signing of the agreement between the 2 parties 
  • Direct financial support for businesses 
  • Capital expenses and amortization 
  • Debt service and repayment of future loans 

This list is not exhaustive.

Evaluation criteria

Projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

Context (15%)

  • Needs and challenges identified in the area 
  • Specific profile of the targeted clientele 
  • Relevance of city involvement 

Expertise and production capacity (10%)  

  • Ability to deliver the project as demonstrated by the organization’s knowledge of its clientele served and the experience of its staff 
  • Interest and ability to establish collaborations with key players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem 
  • The majority of the project will be executed by the organization 

Project characteristics (40%)

  • Consistency between the objectives, actions and expected results of the project 
  • Relevance of actions to the profile of the target clientele and the needs of its geographic area 
  • Links with partners in the entrepreneurial ecosystem

Benefits (20%)

  • Contribution of the project to the program’s objectives 
  • Demonstration of added value and benefits for customers 

Budget (15%) 

  • Quality of the financial package (balanced and realistic budget compared to the services being offered)

Information meeting

A virtual information meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 7, at 11 a.m. 

To register, please complete this registration form.

Submit a project

You have until June 3, 2024 at 9 a.m. to submit your project. 

Allow approximately 6 weeks between the submission of the application and the announcement of the decision. 

For more information about the terms and conditions of the call for proposals, see the project submission guide (in French).

Required documents

Complete the project submission form and attach the following documents: 

  • Letters patent of the organization 
  • A list of the organization’s board members and their functions (download the template - in French)  
  • A list of people assigned to the project and their roles 
  • Board resolution authorizing the person representing the organization to submit the application 
  • Financial statements for the past year 
  • Activity report for the past year 
  • Project summary table (download the template - in French)  
  • Project budget (download the template - in French)

In partnership

This project is part of the city's 2023-2025 joint economic planning with the government of Québec, under the status of Montréal as Québec's metropolis.

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