Commission de la présidence du conseil

The Commission de la présidence du conseil monitors the operations of Montréal’s democratic bodies as well as citizen participation. Learn more about this standing committee.


The Commission de la présidence du conseil reviews issues related to the promotion of civic participation in various democratic bodies within the city. Its activities are intended to guide the decision-making of elected officials who sit on city council, including on the following subjects:

  • By-law concerning rules of procedure for council meetings and internal rules for council management (06-051)
  • code of ethics and conduct for city and borough council members
  • procedure applied to the public question period at city council meetings
  • Follow-up on the work of the independent ethics advisor for elected officials and mayor’s office staff

Activity review

The CPC tables a yearly review of all activities held by the 11 standing committees.  

Look up the 2023 review (in French)

Committee Projects 

Look up previous annual reviews and standing committee files in the archives (in French).  

Watch video archives of files studied by the Commission de la présidence du conseil.