Household waste

Last updated August 12, 2021

Are you wondering what you can throw in the garbage at home? Or at what time you should put out the trash? Find practical information about household waste collections here.

Garbage that is picked up during household waste collections is not sorted. Instead, it is taken directly to the landfill.

To reduce the impacts of landfilling on the environment, remove all items from your household waste that can be recycled, reused or converted.

Your household waste should not contain recyclables (paper, cardboard, glass, metal and some types of plastic), which should be placed in your recycling bin, nor should it contain food waste if a compost collection is offered in your area. 

For bulky objects, construction debris and green waste, there are special collections offered on a regular basis as well as door-to-door collections.

For hazardous household waste (toxic products, oil, etc…) and other materials that are not included in door-to-door collections, please refer to the services offered at Montréal’s seven ecocentres and travelling collections.

When you check whether an item should be thrown in the trash, you are helping to take care of the environment.

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