Properties of heritage interest

Last updated December 9, 2021

Are you the owner of a property of heritage interest or will you acquire one soon? Here is what you should know about preserving your building.

A property, whether residential or commercial, can be classified as heritage due to its archaeological, historical, artistic or social value, or because of its particular architecture or construction techniques. Buildings located in an area of heritage interest can also be classified.

Responsibilities of owners of a heritage property

As the owner of a building of interest, you play an important role in the preservation of Montréal’s heritage. By maintaining it and preserving its original characteristics (architectural components, original fine materials, traditional techniques), you help enhance the history of your city as well as the qualities of your district.

Permit and authorization according to heritage status

Depending on the status of your property, you have special obligations. Before starting any construction, restoration, renovation or excavation work, you will need to obtain a permit from the borough. If your property benefits from a particular status under the Cultural Heritage Act, you will also have to conform to the provisions of that Law.

Your borough can provide information about the provisions that apply to your property.


Subsidies and programs exist to help owners carry out work that preserves the heritage value of their property.

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