Strategic planning areas

Last updated October 28, 2021

La Ville capitalise sur la planification et la transformation de secteurs stratégiques de son territoire.

Most of these strategic planning areas were determined in the Land-use Planning and Development Concept of the Montréal agglomeration. 

They were designated as such due to their:

  • Strategic location near major existing or planned road infrastructure or public transit
  • Capacity for new development
  • Great potential for transformation in order to consolidate the city

The planning process

The city undertook several strategic planning efforts to co-ordinate development of these areas and leverage their respective advantages, with a view to diversification and intensification of urban activities.

These efforts were based on:

  • Completing the studies and analyses required to establish the portrait and character of the area
  • Formulating a vision and principles for development
  • Creating a land-use and development scenario as well as the major implementation actions
  • Drafting a planning document to manage and implement the transformation of the area
  • Implementing a co-ordinated approach with our partners and stakeholders


The strategic planning areas

To locate these areas and access additional information, you can consult our interactive map.

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