Using pesticides

Last updated June 18, 2024

Are you planning to use pesticides? Please be advised that the use of domestic pesticides is regulated, as is the use of residential and commercial pesticides outside buildings.

To protect the health of the population and preserve the environment and biodiversity, the city regulates the sale and use of pesticides. As of January 1, 2022, 35 molecules used in pesticides are banned in Montréal.

  • Benomyl
  • Captan
  • Chlorothalonil
  • Iprodione
  • Quintozene
  • Thiophanate-methyl
  • 2.4-D sodium salts
  • 2.4-D esters
  • 2.4-D acid forms
  • 2.4-D amine salts (all chemical forms)
  • Glyphosate
  • MPCA esters
  • MPCA amine salts
  • MPCA sodium or potassium salts
  • Mecroprop acid forms
  • Mecroprop amine salts
  • Mecroprop sodium or potassium salts
  • Acetamiprid
  • Carbaryl
  • Clothianidin
  • Dicofol
  • Dinotefuran
  • Imidaclopride
  • Malathion
  • Sulfoxaflor
  • Thiacloprid
  • Thiamethoxam
  • Brodifacoum
  • Bromadiolone
  • Bromethaline
  • Chlorophacinone
  • Difethialone
  • Phosphine

Residential use 

The by-law states that residents who use pesticides that contain these banned molecules may face fines. 

To protect your health and that of ecosystems, consider safer and more environmentally friendly alternatives. If your problem persists, you can use biopesticides, products made from microorganisms that come from natural sources. 

If you are using a professional horticulturist, lawn maintenance specialist or exterminator, make sure that individual or company holds a permit to use authorized pesticides. There is a list (in French) of companies who have a permit.

Commercial use


The city prohibits merchants from selling products containing these molecules. 

Commercial applicators

The use of pesticides, other than those prohibited in the by-law, is authorized for commercial use in the following cases:

  • Rats, field mice, mice, wasp or carpenter ant nests 
  • Any organism that is harmful to domestic bees and chickens.
  • Toxic plants (poison ivy, giant hogweed).
  • Any organism that poses a threat to the survival of trees (emerald ash borer, Asian long-horned beetle, Asian LDD moths (also known as Asian Gypsy moths), oak wilt)
  • On land that is used to operate a farm tree nursery or garden centre. 

Biopesticides or reduced risk pesticides listed in appendix 2 of the By-law concerning pesticide use may be used at any time.

Golf course operators may use any pesticide that is not a neonicotinoid.

Annual permit

An annual permit to use pesticides will be required for all professionals who use it in their work, such as farmers and golf course operators, exterminators, landscape artists, horticulturists, and people who work in ornamental horticulture and lawn maintenance. 

Permit may be revoked if conditions of use are not met.

Commercial applicators must also keep a record of each pesticide use.

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