All the information about your neighbourhood

Last updated May 28, 2021
Reading time: 1 min

Collection days, swimming pool hours, cultural activities. Check out our various communications platforms and be the best-informed neighbours in CDN-NDG

There’s so much going on in the borough. Don’t want to miss anything? There are several different ways to stay informed


Illustration d'une maison en skatebord

Your hyperactive neighbour jogs, runs and cycles from one sport to another. By consulting our borough web page, she can find out about the sports and leisure activities offered in each of the parks. Tennis, swimming, splash pads or bocce—it’s all there!


Illustration maison activités culturelles

Your curious neighbour is interested in music, photography, painting and every kind of artistic expression. So much the better! Our Facebook feed relays the diverse range of cultural activities offered by our two cultural centres.


Illustration d'une maison qui promène son chien

Your rambling neighbour strolls around and is interested in all the goings-on in his neighbourhood. By subscribing to the La Citoyenne newsletter, he’ll be the first to know what’s up in his neck of the woods. Public consultations, flowers distributions, announcements of new projects—every month we keep you informed.


Illustration d'une maison lisant des livres
Your bookworm neighbour always has her nose in a new novel. By reading the semi-annual Le Citoyen print newsletter, she can learn about everything that’s happening in her neighbourhood and all the activities offered by the libraries for young people and adults.


Illustration maison qui bricole

Your handyman neighbour repairs, renovates or gardens as soon as the opportunity arises. He’ll be happy to know about the online services for obtaining a permit or asking questions before renovating. By creating a Ville de Montréal online account, he can follow up on all his requests from the comfort of his home.