Consultations, Registers and Demolitions in LaSalle

Last updated June 21, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

We invite you to share in the borough’s democratic life.

Learn how to share your viewpoint on proposed projects.

How to share your viewpoint on proposed projects.

The Act Respecting Land Use Planning and Development requires mandatory public consultations subsequent to the adoption of certain draft by-laws.

You are therefore invited to attend the following public meetings in order to participate in your borough’s democratic life.

Proposed projects

  • Draft by-law 2098-LAS-205
  • Draft by-law LAS-0146-3
    • Description
      • Draft by-law amending the plans d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale durables (PIIAD) by-law number LAS-0146 to add a chapter regulating rooftop constructions across the entire territory.
    • Document to download
  • Draft Resolution CA24 20 0252 (PP-32)
    • Description
      • Draft resolution authorizing the demolition of commercial buildings and construction of up to 1800 private housing units on lots 1 449 385 and 1 449 386 (7333 and 7401-7475, boulevard Newman).
    • Document to download


The adoption of certain by-laws requires the approval of qualified voters. In such circumstances, it must be determined whether a referendum is required.

Applications for a register

All qualified voters of the zones specified in the following public notice can submit an application for a register if they wish to submit the by-law in the process of being adopted to a registration process for the holding of a referendum. 

We invite you to consult the following link to confirm that you are on the current electoral list.


All municipalities must adopt a by-law regarding the demolition of immovables. Additionally, Council must establish a committee to evaluate and authorize demolition requests. According to the Charter of Ville de Montréal, Metropolis of Québec, this committee is composed of the members of the Advisory Planning Committee and all sittings must be held publicly. Upon receipt of a demolition request, a public notice is posted on the borough’s website as well as on the concerned immovable. Any person may object to this demolition within 10 days of the publication of the public notice.

Demolition committee meeting

  • Demolition committee meeting


  • By-law 2098-LAS-199
  • By-law LAS-0145-1
    • Description
      • By-law LAS-0145-1 amending demolition by-law number LAS-0145 so as to authorize additional forms of monetary guarantees
    • Document to download
    • Watch the public consultation
  • By-law LAS-0146-1 
    • Description
      • By-law LAS-0146-1 amending sustainable site planning and architectural integration program bylaw number LAS-0146 so as to regulate the painting of brick
    • Document to download
    • Watch the public consultation
  • By-law 2098-LAS-200 
    • Description
      • By-law 2098-LAS-200 amending zoning by-law number 2098 so as to modify certain provisions concerning pools, hedges, the painting of brick and stairwells, railings and windows in the Village des Rapides sector
    • Document to download
    • Watch the public consultation
  • Second draft by-law no. 2098-LAS-201 
    • Description
      • Following the public consultation meeting held on May 16th, 2023, Council adopted at its regular sitting of June 5th, 2023, second draft by-law 2098-LAS-201 amending Zoning By-law no. 2098 to modify Schedule A of Zoning By-law no. 2098 to remove lot 1 930 087 from zone H07-13 and to include it in zone H07-11. The current table of uses and norms of Zoning By-law no. 2098 does not authorize the construction of a main building on lot 1 930 087 located on avenue Strathyre in the Highlands sector. This amendment seeks to transfer this lot currently in zone H07-13 to adjacent zone H07-11 in order to authorize such a construction.
    • Deadline
      • You have until June 19, 2023, at 4:45 p.m., to submit your request.
    • Document to download
  • By-law 2099-LAS-11  
    • Description
      • By-law 2099-LAS-11 amending construction by-law number 2099 so as to require a certificate of authorization to install a diving board and to clarify the provisions concerning the painting of brick and the installation of disassemblable pools
    • Document to download
    • Watch the public consultation
  • Draft resolution no. CA23 20 0303
    • Description
      • The purpose of this particular project is to authorise the usage of sale and service of new car parts, trucks light vehicles (without installation). This particular project is located in zone C10-08 and is subject to approval by referendum.
    • Document to download
    • Watch the public consultation
  • Second draft resolution no. CA23 20 0336 
    • Description 
      • The purpose of this project is to permit the usage sale/service of new automobile parts, trucks and light vehicules without installation service (, al. 1 (c)), on lot 1 498 865 (1220 to 1276, avenue Dollard), despite the provision of Section 3.5.1 referring to the uses and standards grid of zone C10-08, as well as Section of Zoning By-law 2098.
    • Document to download


  • By-law LAS-0152
  • Second draft by-law no. 2098-LAS-199 
    • Description
      • Following the public consultation meeting held on August 31, 2022, Council adopted at its regular sitting of September 6, 2022, second draft by-law 2098-LAS-199 amending by-law no. 2098 to modify the provisions of the comprehensive development plan applicable to zone H12-27 as already modified by bylaws 2098-LAS-176 and 2098-LAS-187. The purpose of this second draft by-law is to modify the regulations applicable to the building of protruding structures and decks, certain accesses and landscaping.
    • Deadline
      • You have until September 20, 2022, at 4:45 p.m., to submit your request.
    • Document to download
  • By-law LAS-0157
    • Description
      • The purpose of this by-law is to authorize a loan of $1 429 000 for repairs to different buildings in the borough of LaSalle.
    • Deadline
      • The register will be open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on February 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2023, at the office of the Borough Secretary, 55, avenue Dupras, LaSalle, to submit your request.
    • Document to download
  • By-law LAS-0159
    • Description
      • The purpose of by-law LAS-0159 is to authorize a loan of $4 700 000 for repairs to the building located at 13 avenue Strathyre in the cultural sector of 13 avenue Strathyre, the Fleming windmill and Stinson Park in the borough of LaSalle.
    • Document to download
