EBN: improved bicycle paths on Rue Saint-Antoine and Rue Saint-Jacques

Last updated June 4, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

The Express Bike Network (EBN) bike lanes on Rue Saint-Antoine and Rue Saint-Jacques, between Avenue Atwater and Rue Guy, will be improved this spring. The work includes adding concrete protections, replacing traffic lights and repairing the road surface.

All about the project


From June to August 2024


The project will be carried out in two phases

1) On Rue Saint-Antoine
2) On Rue Saint-Jacques


  • Adding concrete curbs at intersections between bike and vehicle lanes
  • Building tree and plant planting areas
  • Replacing traffic lights and street lamps
  • Repaving traffic lanes, including bike paths
  • Creating new ground markings (lines and pictograms)


  • Facilitating west-east travel and access to downtown
  • Improving the safety of cyclists, pedestrians and public transit
  • Delineating the space reserved for each mode of transportation


At all times, two lanes of vehicle traffic are maintained on Rue Saint-Antoine and one on Rue Saint-Jacques.
To limit the impact on traffic, complete night-time closures are planned during the paving work.

Futur development

The EBN will be connected to downtown with the creation of a two-way path on Rue Saint-Antoine, between Rue Guy and Rue du Square-Victoria, in Ville-Marie.

Work notice

 Traffic obstructions and construction

Visit the Obstructions and Construction Info site to locate traffic blockages caused by construction related to this project.