Feeding Montréal sustainably

Last updated August 29, 2024
Reading time: 2 min

The Système alimentaire local et intégré à Montréal (Montréal Local and Integrated Food System - SALIM for short) helps food security organizations to source supplies and distribute more fresh, local food. By pooling food resources, the project brings local producers closer to vulnerable people.

Bringing producers closer to consumers

The SALIM project, which is supported by the city and steered by the Récolte collective, aims to improve distribution logistics from farm to table. Tangibly, it offers community organizations physical or digital equipment to work more effectively and preserve, transport and distribute more food to the community. 


Two SALIM pilot projects are underway in the West Island and Le Sud-Ouest. They aim to improve food delivery, storage and preservation while supporting local agriculture by including producers and community groups.

Lack of equipment: A barrier to feeding everyone

In Montréal, one person in 10 does not have the financial needs to access fresh food and eat healthfully. During the pandemic, one in four people are living in food insecurity, according to Centraide du Grand Montréal. 

Some 600 community organizations are working to feed people in need. However, nearly 40 per cent of them do not have the technical means they need to collect all the food donations that are available to them, according to Moisson Montréal.

Farms on the island of Montréal and the surroundings do not produce as much as they could due to barriers to preserving and distributing their production. 

 It’s clear to see that infrastructure and equipment issues are major factors all along the chain, from producers to organizations that distribute food assistance.

Food assistance: A local and innovative system

The SALIM builds bridges between local producers and organizations that serve the community. By accelerating the ecological transition and stimulating innovation, it is aligned with the orientations of the Montréal 2030 plan.

By implementing neighbourhood supply circuits, we’re supporting community organizations and local companies, which means we can participate both in economic recovery and social justice. We’re hitting two targets with one shot!

Montréal in Common

Montréal in Common is an innovation community led by the city. Its partners are experimenting with solutions to food access, mobility and municipal legislation with a view to redesigning the city. Montréal in Common projects are made possible by the Government of Canada as part of the Smart Cities Challenge.

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