Incentive parking for snow removal periods in Saint-Laurent

Last updated January 21, 2022
Reading time: 1 min

To ensure the smooth rollout of snow removal operations and accelerate the process, Saint-Laurent has designated eight incentive parking zones where Saint-Laurent residents can temporarily leave their vehicles at these times.

Offering a total of 431 parking spaces, these sites will be accessible free of charge between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m., as well as during the daytime for some. It will be important to pay close attention to the temporary signs announcing site hours for this purpose in the following

locations: The Mairie d’arrondissement, the Complexe sportif, the Centre des loisirs and the Jules-Poitras site.

Jules-Poitras site is open 24 hours a day. 

Complexe sportif (2385, boulevard Thimens): 180 spaces

Centre des loisirs (1375, rue Grenet): 80 spaces

Mairie (777, boulevard Marcel-Laurin): 70 spaces

Jules-Poitras site (1694, boulevard Jules-Poitras): 30 spaces

Parc Noël-Nord (3110, boulevard Toupin): 25 spaces

Parc Saint-Laurent (845, rue Poirier): 19 spaces

Parc Noël-Sud (3005, rue Mathis): 16 spaces

Parc Beaulac (1145, rue Elizabeth): 11 spaces