Non-residential buildings: Volume-based pricing for water consumption

Last updated January 21, 2025
Reading time: 2 min

Since January 1, 2023, buildings in part or in full intented for non-residential use pay a rate based on the volume of water consumed. Learn about how the new ecofiscal mesure will be applied and what building owners can do to better manage their water use.

What is volume-based pricing?

Volume-based water pricing means that people pay for the water they consume. Water volume is calculated in cubic meters using water meters that provide the city with data on water consumption in each non-residential building.

Montréal opts for volume-based pricing by progressive blocks, meaning that the rate increases with each consumption tier.

Bills based on the volume of water consumed are sent the following year. 

The following rates will be applied for 2025 water consumption billed in 2026: 

  • 0 to 1,000 m3: $0 per m3 
  • 1,000 m3 to10,000 m3: $0,105 per m3  
  • 10,000 m3 to 100,000 m3: $0,215 per m3   
  • 100,000 m3 and more: $0,655 per m3  

If part of the building is for residential use, a volume of 225 m3 per dwelling is deducted from the total annual consumption.

This ecofiscal measure is separate from the special water tax shown on your yearly property tax bill.

Bill sent in 2025 - Example of calculation

Owners of non-residential buildings with two residential dwellings will see their 2025 bill for the 2024 water consumption calculated as follows:

2024 total water consumption measured for the building:

2,300 m³

Deduction of water allowance for the two dwellings:

(450 m³)

2024 water consumption attributed to the non-residential portion:

1,850 m³

Non-billable volume threshold - non-residential portion:

(1,000 m³)

Total billable water consumption:

850 m³

2024 rates applied to the billable water consumption:

x $0,10

Amount of the bill issued:


View your water meter

It is possible to access data from the meter(s) attached to your building to track its water consumption. The meter is generally located inside the building, near the main water inlet. All you need to do is lift the cover to view the number shown.

What to do right away

Reducing water consumption in a building has a direct impact on billing. Examples of best practices to adopt include repairing leaks and defective plumbing fixtures, reducing watering, and replacing any prohibited cooling appliances that use drinking water.

To adapt to climate change

This ecofiscal measure aims to promote environmentally friendly behaviors, while ensuring users contribute to the costs of water services in proportion to their usage. 

The new revenues thus generated will be earmarked for water management activities.

Further information

Have you received a water bill? Here’s some useful information on how to pay your water bill.