What belongs in the brown bin

Last updated February 3, 2023
Reading time: 1 min

Organic matter accounts for about 50 per cent of the contents of a garbage bag in Montréal. By using food waste compost bags, you give that organic matter renewed life. The following checklist tells you what to include in your compost bags.

Accepted materials

Raw, cooked or spoiled foods and green waste 

• Fruits and vegetables

• Meat and poultry with or without bones

• Fish and bones, seafood and shells

• Grain products such as dough, bread, cake, and rice

• Eggs and eggshells

• Solid dairy products (cheese, butter and yogurt)

• Tea leaves or coffee grounds with paper bags or filters

• Nuts and shells

• Cookies, sweets and desserts

• Pet food

• Spices and herbs

• Green waste (leaves, grass, garden waste, small branches)

Only in the following boroughs: Lachine, L’Île-Bizard—Sainte-Geneviève, Pierrefonds-Roxboro and Saint-Laurent

Soiled paper and cardboard

• Tissues, paper towels, napkins

• Paper tablecloth, cardboard or wooden dishes

• Food boxes

• Cardboard fruit baskets

Refused materials

• Plastic bags (including compostable bags for Lachine, L’Île-Bizard—Sainte-Geneviève, Pierrefonds-Roxboro and Saint-Laurent)

• Plastic dishes and containers, compostable or not

• Polystyrene and plastic wrapping

• Liquids (soup, milk, juice, coffee, etc.)

• Animal litter and waste

• Diapers and sanitary products

• Clothing and fabrics

• Cork, wax, hot ashes, cigarette butts

• Chewing gum

• Recyclable materials (clean paper, packaging and cardboard containers, plastic, metal and glass)

• Construction and renovation materials (earth, rock, sand, wood, ceramic, porcelain)

• Medicines and biomedical waste

• Household hazardous waste (batteries, paints, non-vegetable oils and greases)

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