Get an instalment of the subsidy for social economy businesses - component 2

Last updated November 17, 2021

Do you operate a social economy business deemed eligible for the subsidy to renovate, build or expand a building? Learn how to get your instalment of this financial assistance.

The subsidy is paid in two instalments:

  • The first instalment includes the subsidy for professional services received before the work starts, along with an amount corresponding to 50 per cent of the subsidy, based on the projected cost of the work. This sum is paid once the eligible work is started.
  • The second instalment is paid upon completion of the work.

The eligible work must be completed by no later than June 30, 2024.

Required documents

For the first instalment

  • A copy of the bills for professional services rendered at the time of application.
  • Proof of payment of the bills.
  • A copy of all the permits required to perform the work, and proof of payment.

For the second instalment

  • A substantial work completion certificate signed by a person authorized to do so under law, for example an architect or an engineer.
  • A copy of the bills for the work and the professional services not provided in conjunction with the first instalment.
  • Proof of payment of these bills.
  • A copy of all the permits required to complete the work and proof of payment thereof, if these documents have not already been sent.
  • Photos of any part of the building and the premises where the work was performed.

Communication channels

By e-mail

Please send us all the documents by e-mail.