Reserve an item

Last updated August 6, 2024

If a book or other item is not available at the library because someone else has borrowed it, you can ask to have it put on hold. We will send you a notice as soon as the item is available for pickup.

Most books and other library items can be placed on hold at the library, on site, by telephone or online using a library card

Number of documents

Subscribers can reserve a maximum of 15 documents in their account.

Choose your library

You can collect the reserved item at a library of your choice. When you put the item on hold, be sure to provide the name of the library where you would like to pick it up.

Availability notice

You will receive a notice by e-mail or telephone when your item is available. You have six days to collect it.


Different conditions apply to certain books and other items. Some are not available for loan. 

Contact your library to find out if you can put a hold on:

  • Board games
  • Toys
  • Outdoor recreational equipment
  • Musical instruments
  • Reference materials
  • Consoles
  • Tablets
  • Laptop computers
  • 3D printers

Required documents

Library card

Place items on hold

Use the Nelligan catalogue.

Go in person to one of the libraries in the network or contact the library by telephone.