Call for projects: 2021-2024 Inclusive Montréal program

Last updated June 4, 2021

Are you a non-profit organization working in the field of social development and intercultural relations? The city would like to invite you to submit a project that promotes bringing Montréal’s cultures closer together and fighting discrimination and racism.


This call for projects has a $2 million budget. Selected projects could get up to $100,000 in financial support.

Through this program, Montréal wants to build a welcoming and inclusive city by supporting projects that bring the host society and immigrants closer together culturally and fight racism and discrimination at a citywide level.

Eligibility criteria

Eligible organizations

  • Be a legally constituted non-profit organization that is recognized by the Registraire des entreprises du Québec. The objectives of the organization’s charter must be compatible with the program’s objectives, or it must be a cooperative that gives no reductions and pays no interest on members’ portions. 
  • Be directed by a democratically-elected board of directors that is formed primarily of people who live in Montréal and volunteer their services to the organization.
  • Hold an annual meeting each year.  
  • Be registered and remain in good standing with the Registraire des entreprises du Québec. 
  • Have recognized expertise as well as solid knowledge of target populations and the issues the project aims to address.
  • Have been active for at least two years. 
  • Hold current registration with the Registre des lobbyistes, for organizations that are subject to the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act (LRQ, chapter T-11.011).

Eligible projects

Projects must fall under one or both of the following orientations:

1. Promoting intercultural relations

The project must meet at least one of the following objectives:

  • Strengthen collective intercultural skills, in particular with regards to conflict resolution, mediation and intercultural communication on a citywide level.
  • Educate the Montréal host society around the issues of living together and bring it closer to immigrants and racialized people by promoting local leadership and civic participation from these groups.
  • Promote opportunities to bring immigrants, racialized people and the Montréal host society closer together in the area’s living and work environments.
  • Stimulate intercultural dialogue on a local level through civic participation from immigrants, racialized people and the entire population by creating meeting and sharing spaces as well as access to decision-making and advisory bodies

2.Fighting racism and discrimination

The project must meet one of the following objectives:

  • Educate and equip the population, community organizations, immigrants and racialized people to fight discrimination and racism.
  • Educate and equip local economic key players to reduce the barriers to integration of immigrants and racialized people into the work force. 
  • Support civic participation and leadership from immigrants and racialized people in fighting racism and discrimination. 
  • Get the host society engaged in fighting racism and discrimination. 
  • Promote the implementation and adaptation of inclusive practices “by and for” immigrants and/or racialized people.
  • Encourage the participation of immigrants and racialized people and make their voices heard in local decision-making and advisory processes.


Projects must:

  • Take place in Montréal
  • Integrate Gender-Based Analysis (GBA+)
  • Meet the criteria of the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration’s support program for communities  
  • Meet the objectives of the Inclusive Montréal program.

Target areas

Projects must:

  • Have a citywide scope
  • Ideally, be launched in more than one borough
  • Have a local scope outside the priority inclusion zones, which are the subject of another BINAM-specific subsidy program

Project delivery 

Projects must take place between January 2022 and March 2024.


Apply now

You have until 5 p.m. September 30, 2021, to submit your project. 

Projects must be submitted through the Service de la diversité et de l’inclusion sociale’s subsidy management system. 

Pour déposer un projet, vous devez vous créer un compte sur la plateforme de gestion et suivi des subventions (GSS) du Service de la diversité et de l’inclusion sociale. 

Les organismes seront ensuite avisés par courriel du cheminement de leur demande. Un comité de sélection analysera les projets qui répondent aux critères d’admissibilité.

Les universités et les CÉGEPS ne sont pas admissibles au programme.

The Inclusive Montréal call for projects is made possible thanks to the three-year agreement between the city and the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration.

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