Call for regional projects to support vulnerable children and families

Last updated February 12, 2021

Are you a not-for-profit organization working with children and families who are in vulnerable situations or at risk of exclusion: Montréal invites you to submit a project that promotes the development of the full potential of children aged 17 and under and the quality of life of their families.


Backed by a $1.7-million budget per year for 2 years, this initiative will support projects at the regional level. Obtain financial support of to $150,000 per NPO per year, for a maximum of two consecutive years.

This call for projects is part of the new “Diversity and Social Inclusion Fund for Vulnerable Children and Families.” It is aligned with the vision and action strategy of the Policy on Children.

Eligible organizations

Non-profit organizations (NPOs) recognized by the Registraire des entreprises du Québec may submit an application. 

These organizations must: 

  • Have been operating for at least two years on the island of Montréal;
  • Be very familiar with issues affecting Montréal children and families in a vulnerable situation or at risk of exclusion;
  • Have expertise that is relevant for the project submitted.

Eligible Projects

Projects must address one or more of the following objectives:

  • Promote access to cultural, sports and leisure activities;
  • Promote school perseverance and success;
  • Facilitate access to information and communication technologies;
  • Encourage citizen participation, social engagement and ecological transition ;
  • Fight against various forms of discrimination;
  • Support parents with their children’s development;
  • Favour the mobilization and cooperation of community stakeholders .


Projects must meet the following criteria:

  • Target children aged 17 or under, in vulnerable situations or at risk of exclusion, and their parents;
  • Be carried out in at least two boroughs;
  • Take place over a maximum period of two consecutive years;
  • Complement local initiatives and priorities directed at children aged 17 and under and their families;
  • Receive the support of partners involved or organizations affected (e.g., ICSUSS, borough, school, neighbourhood station, community organization, neighbourhood round table, early childhood and youth round table). Letters of support are required;
  • Integrate a gender-based analysis (GBA).

Submit an application

You can submit an application up till March 12, 2021.

For all details about the call for projects, please consult the frame of reference.

You need to create an account. Projects must be submitted on the SDIS’s subsidy management and monitoring platform (GSS, in French,). 

Organizations will be notified by email of the progress of their application. A selection committee will analyze the projects that meet the eligibility criteria. 

Help guides for a project subsidy application are available on the following page: demande de soutien financier (in French).

Pour déposer un projet, vous devez vous créer un compte sur la plateforme de gestion et suivi des subventions (GSS) du Service de la diversité et de l’inclusion sociale. 

Les organismes seront ensuite avisés par courriel du cheminement de leur demande. Un comité de sélection analysera les projets qui répondent aux critères d’admissibilité.

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