Service de la diversité et de l'inclusion sociale

Interim directorMarie-Florente Démosthène

The Service de la diversité et de l’inclusion sociale (SDIS) promotes diversity and social inclusion, and helps newcomers integrate in Montréal.


Launch of the Residential Area Equity Index

Montréal presents its 2023 Indice d’équité des milieux de vie or residential area equity index.  Its aim is to identify residential areas with a high degree of urban vulnerability in order to prioritize and target municipal investments. This index represents vulnerable areas in terms of social, economic, environmental, local resources access, cultural resources access, sports and leisure, and urban safety vulnerabilities.

Municipal Strategy for Seniors 2023-2030

On October 2, 2023, Montréal unveiled its municipal Strategy for Seniors 2023-2030 (In french). The strategy, which was made possible thanks to the financial participation of the Québec government and the program “Municipalités amies des aînés (MADA),” aims to offer a healthy living environment as well as essential, affordable, accessible and safe services to seniors living in Montréal.

Don’t Look the Other Way Report

In May 2022, Montréal’s ombudsman published her report on unhoused Indigenous and Inuit residents of the Milton-Parc neighbourhood, titled “Don’t Look the Other Way.” Learn more about actions the city has taken in response to the ombudsman’s recommendations.


The Service de la diversité et de l’inclusion sociale (diversity and social inclusion department) works in collaboration with its partners so that all residents can have an equal place in Montréal regardless of their status, identity, origin or abilities.

Commissioner for people experiencing homelessness


  • Promote knowledge, cooperation and planning of actions to develop services for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless
  • Advise the city on all aspects of homelessness


Enrich knowledge and communication

  • Create communication and consultation mechanisms with partners, the public and people experiencing homelessness to better understand and express their realities and needs
  • Develop and popularize knowledge about homelessness issues and best practices for support
  • Send information to the city administration, partners and citizens to raise awareness.

Develop services

  • Promote cooperation among partners to develop services adapted to the needs of people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless
  • Contribute to developing a global vision and a municipal and regional plan to support vulnerable people in the Montréal area
  • Direct requests for help or information to the appropriate authorities

Support public policies

  • Act as a consultant to the city government in developing public policies and practices that promote inclusion and citizenship, and provide services to people experiencing homelessness.

About the commissioner

Serge Lareault was the Executive Director of Groupe L’Itinéraire, a well-known magazine that provides work for people experiencing homelessness, from 1994 to 2014. He was also president of the International Network of Street Papers from 2006 to 2016, a Glasgow-based association of some 120 street papers in 40 countries and 600 cities.

Contact the commissioner by email at [email protected]


Universal accessibility


Social development

Children, youth and seniors

