Billboards and outdoor displays

Last updated June 21, 2023

Want to let people in your neighbourhood know about a show or a community activity? Are you organizing a garage sale? Lost your cat? Do you offer classes and want to get the word out? Here is what’s available.

Easy-to-use display modules

Outdoor billboards

Babillard extérieur

You can find outdoor message boards all over Montréal. They offer free display space that everyone can use. They are also universally accessible.

Posters can be stapled or taped to the rubber surface. The cleaning frequency and date are shown on each message board. A message board may be temporarily removed for maintenance.

Find a billboard (In French)

Digital display panels

Photo of a digital display panel in Pierrefonds-Roxboro

Astral-type digital display panels belong to companies. In most boroughs, your organization must contact these companies directly in order to use them.

Some boroughs, such as Pierrefonds, LaSalle and Montréal-Nord, allow organizations to use their digital display panels to promote activities and events.


Photo d'une oriflamme de la Ville de Montréal

Some streets have banners that are attached to lampposts. Their purpose is to promote projects, events or activities.

Banners are reserved for non-profit organizations, public and parapublic organizations and commercial development corporations.

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