Occupancy of public property

Carrying out work and your container is encroaching on city property? Want to reserve space on the street for your moving truck? Want to install a commercial terrace? Find out which type of permit you need to apply for.

You are required to get a permit before occupying public property, including a road, a sidewalk, an alleyway, or the space between your property and the street. Different types of permits apply, depending on the nature of the occupancy.

Seasonal occupancy 

The seasonal occupancy permit applies mainly to sidewalk cafés and bike stands. 

In certain boroughs, this permit is also required to install a clothing donation bin or a seasonal display of merchandise for sale.

Temporary occupancy

A temporary occupancy permit is required for the following short-period obstacles: 

  • Temporary closure of a public road for work purposes
  • Installation of equipment or materials on the road, sidewalk or alleyway
  • Presence of containers, scaffolding or work site fencing
  • Placement of a debris chute
  • Parking a contractor’s vehicle
  • Reservation of a space for a contractor’s vehicle
  • Reservation of a parking space for a moving truck
  • Film shoot

Permanent occupancy

The permanent occupancy permit is required when fixed elements encroach on city property:

  • Construction installed on a permanent basis, in whole or in part, such as a cornice
  • Part of a building, such as a staircase, a balcony or an access ramp for people with disabilities
  • Walkway, canopy, or overhanging sign
  • Tunnel
  • Underground garage

At the time of sale of a building, a permit application can also be submitted to formalize an existing situation

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