On-street parking

Last updated June 27, 2023

Where can you park on Montréal streets, and what does it cost? For whom is permit parking intended? What are the rules to follow, depending on the borough? How can you report illegal parking? Find out all you need to know.

Applicable rules

Parking on Montréal streets is permitted, on the condition that the parking restrictions shown on the signage are observed. Check the zone as well as the days and times when parking is permitted. Be sure to check the parking prohibition periods, which also apply on public holidays.

Bear in mind that maximum allowable parking times vary, depending on the borough and the type of vehicle (commercial truck, camper, etc.).

Parking sticker zones

These parking zones are reserved for residents with a sticker. The boroughs offer visitors daylong or monthlong permits to park in certain areas, or additional stickers to offer guests.

Paid parking (parking meters)

Paid parking generally applies on arterial roads and commercial streets. Please view the two interactive maps on the Agence de mobilité durable Web site for details on hourly rates applied per borough, and parking spaces reserved for people with limited mobility.

Improperly parked vehicle

Please contact the Agence de mobilité durable to report illegal parking. If your vehicle has been towed, please use the Info-Remorquage service to find it.

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