Adopt safe practices on outdoor tennis courts

Last updated May 17, 2022
Reading time: 1 min

To play your favourite sport safely, you must develop good habits. Here are the directives to follow on Montréal’s outdoor tennis courts.


Players must comply with the following directives :

  • Eating or possessing food or glass containers on the tennis court is prohibited
  • Smoking, vaping and drinking alcohol or not allowed
  • Leaning on the net is not allowed
  • Spitting on the court is not allowed
  • In order to keep the site clean, trash must be thrown in trashcans 
  • Only players are allowed on the court during their game
  • Players must show sportsmanship by using respectful language and paying special attention to equipment and the facilities 
  • Playing on a soggy court is not allowed for safety purposes
  • All players must seek shelter when a storm is coming, as soon as there is thunder or lightning 
  • Bicycles, rollerblades and skateboards are not allowed on the court   

Don’t forget your own water bottle.


  • Players must arrive at least 10 minutes before their reservation begins in order to confirm their presence and pay any applicable playing fees
  • Tennis attire

  • Players must have appropriate sportswear
  • Wearing a sweater is mandatory
  • Wearing tennis shoes or sports shoes with non-marking soles is recommended
  • The wearing of jeans or short shirts will not be tolerated

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