Free support to help 450 small Montréal businesses recover

The city has launched a new support measure for businesses to transform their business model and diversify their income. Six organizations renowned for their sector-specific expertise will offer some 5,500 hours of personalized guidance to 450 small businesses in Montréal.

The new measure is part of Montréal’s economic recovery plan, “A Boost for the City: Acting Now”, and covers five sectors of activity that have been strongly affected by the slowing down of the economy: Retail commerce, arts and culture, biofood, social economy and tourism.

Actions déployées par les organismes partenaires

Six organizations, with financial support from the city and Service Québec, have developed an individual support program for small businesses whose main place of business is located on the island of Montréal.

École des entrepreneurs du Québec

The EEQ will provide support to 175 small businesses from all sectors of activity that took out loans during March 2020 to increase their chances of long-term survival, develop their financial resilience and lessen the impacts of debt through diversification and optimization of funding sources.

Submit your application (in French)

Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec

The ITHQ will support 50 companies in the restaurant and hospitality industry. It is offering diagnostic services in the area of financial health, the supply chain, commercialization, human resources and resilience. 

Submit your application (in French)

Conseil d’économie sociale de l’île de Montréal

The CESIM will offer guidance to 75 social economy businesses. The program will help meet the increased needs of certain client groups and assist them in developing new services, repositioning themselves in their sector or moving towards/accelerating digital business strategies.

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Culture Montréal

The organization will provide support to 50 non-profit companies and organizations in the fields of the arts, culture and creativity in order to meet the increased needs of some client groups, help them reposition themselves in their sector and adapt their business model.

Submit your application (in French)

Conseil québécois du commerce de détail

Some 75 merchants can adapt their business models through this program. 

Submit your application (in French)

Conseil des industries bioalimentaires de l’île de Montréal

The CIBIM will offer individual guidance to 25 biofood companies to adapt their business model to the economic context. More information soon.


This measure has been launched as part of the Réflexe Montréal agreement between the city and the government of Québec which aims to develop Montréal’s fullest economic, social and cultural potential.

Service Québec has contributed to this measure with $350,000 that will enhance the number of hours of guidance offered to companies.