Outdoor gutters: How to install them properly

Last updated January 13, 2025
Reading time: 1 min

Do you own a building in Montréal with outdoor gutters? Did you know that you must direct the water from your gutters to a permeable surface to comply with regulations? Here is how to do it in a few steps.

Do your part

Make sure that your gutters or the overflow from your rain barrel are directed toward a permeable surface such as a flower bed or lawn at least 1.5 m away from your foundation. This will reduce the risk of water infiltration into your building.

Here is how to reposition your gutters in a few easy steps (video in French only):

It is prohibited to connect a gutter to the foundation drain or to direct it towards an impermeable surface or the street.

Avoid an environmental impact

Heavy rainfall is becoming more common due to climate change. Rainstorms send large quantities of water into our sewer system in record time. This large volume of water is multiplied when gutters direct water straight into the sewer system and into French or garage drains. Many problems result from this situation: Local flooding, untreated water discharged into waterways and sewer backups. 

This is why Montréal regulates stormwater management. People who do not obey the by-laws may face fines.

Contact your borough if you have any questions about the application of this by-law.

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