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133 results
- Fleurir les rochersFrom toParc Lefebvre
- Éloge d'un fauteuil maudit - Collectif Cummings & PifkoFrom toCentre d'exposition Lethbridge
- Embobeliner la vie – Carole Baillargeon et le Cercle des Fermières de LaSalleFrom toCentre culturel et communautaire Henri-Lemieux
- Grandeur d'âme - Orchestre métropolitainÉglise Saint-Sixte
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubPierrefonds library
- Soulful Greats - Orchestre MétropolitainÉglise Sainte-Suzanne
- Yoel Diaz and Mundo Jazz QuartetCentre des loisirs de Saint-Laurent
- Lachine Council MeetingLachine borough hall
- Saint-Laurent Council Meeting of AprilSaint-Laurent borough hall
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Coffee and colouringPierrefonds library
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Baking workshop: choux pastryFullCollège Beaubois
- Cispersonnages en quête d'auteurice - Joe Jack et JohnSalle Émile-Legault
- La kora au-delà des frontières - Sophie LukacsPierrefonds Cultural Centre
- LaSalle Borough Council Meeting - April 7, 2025LaSalle borough hall
- Pierrefonds-Roxboro borough council sittingPierrefonds-Roxboro borough hall
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Salon du Printemps 2025 – Association des artistes de LaSalleFrom toCentre culturel et communautaire Henri-Lemieux
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubPierrefonds library
- Exhibition of the Cultural workshops - Oil paintingFrom toCentre des loisirs de Saint-Laurent
- Women's Leadership in Pierrefonds-RoxboroGerry-Robertson community centre
- Pyromania: A board game for the whole familyPierrefonds library
- City Council MeetingCity Hall
- Movie afternoon : La femme cachéeBibliothèque Benny
- City Council MeetingCity Hall
- Information meeting on the reconstruction and redevelopment of Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-CatherineOnline
- Information session: Redevelopment of Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine and Avenue du Mont-RoyalOnline
- Coffee and colouringPierrefonds library
- Information meeting on the reconstruction of Boulevard GouinOnline
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Urban Agglomeration Council MeetingCity Hall
- OrigamiBibliothèque Benny
- Ciseaux - Pleurer Dans' DoucheCentre des loisirs de Saint-Laurent
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- LaSalle's Elected Officials Tuesdays – April 2025Bibliothèque L'Octogone
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Hercule et Naïade - Collectif de l'Éléphant
- Lavanya et Projet DharaniCentre des loisirs de Saint-Laurent
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Coffee and colouringPierrefonds library
- The Joy Lapps Project - Joy Lapps
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Lachine Council MeetingLachine borough hall
- LaSalle Borough Council Meeting - May 5, 2025LaSalle borough hall
- Pierrefonds-Roxboro borough council sittingPierrefonds-Roxboro borough hall
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Saint-Laurent Council Meeting of MaySaint-Laurent borough hall
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Exposition du Club Photo de LaSalle – Le Club photo de LaSalleFrom toCentre culturel et communautaire Henri-Lemieux
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Distribution of vegetable plants in Saint-LaurentParc Beaudet
- Discovering robotics with LEGO®Pierrefonds library
- City Council MeetingCity Hall
- Movie afternoon : Hotel SilenceBibliothèque Benny
- City Council MeetingCity Hall
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Coffee and colouringPierrefonds library
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Urban Agglomeration Council MeetingCity Hall
- Artist trading cardsBibliothèque Benny
- Compost and tree distribution in Saint-LaurentAteliers municipaux de Saint-Laurent
- Tale show with FestilouBibliothèque Benny
- Bicycle WorkshopBibliothèque Benny
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- LaSalle's Elected Officials Tuesdays – May 2025Bibliothèque L'Octogone
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubPierrefonds library
- Distribution of vegetable plants in Saint-LaurentBibliothèque du Boisé
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Coffee and colouringPierrefonds library
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Lachine Council MeetingLachine borough hall
- Pierrefonds-Roxboro borough council sittingPierrefonds-Roxboro borough hall
- LaSalle Borough Council Meeting - June 2, 2025LaSalle borough hall
- Saint-Laurent Council Meeting of JuneSaint-Laurent borough hall
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Détours sacrés du quotidien – Mathieu Houde et Hannah AlsdorfFrom toCentre culturel et communautaire Henri-Lemieux
- Atelier: Les reliques du quotidienCentre culturel et communautaire Henri-Lemieux
- Knitting ClubBibliothèque Benny
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Big Second-Hand Book SaleFrom toBibliothèque Saul-Bellow
- City Council MeetingCity Hall
- City Council MeetingCity Hall
- Urban Agglomeration Council MeetingCity Hall
- Poste de traite et collations autochtones: Familles d'autrefoisParc des Rapides
- Executive Committee MeetingOnline
- Saint-Laurent Council Meeting of June 25, 2025Saint-Laurent borough hall
- Canada Day in Pierrefonds-RoxboroPierrefonds-Roxboro borough hall
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