Apply for authorization for storm water management or connection to the domestic waterworks system
Some projects related to storm water management or connection to the domestic waterworks system require authorization. This authorization is required to get a construction, conversion or excavation permit for public property. Find out what you need to do.
You must apply to the city’s Section de la réglementation de la gestion de l’eau du Service de l’eau (SRGE for short). The mission of the SRGE is to preserve the integrity of the water system and make sure all users comply with its capacity. To this end, it oversees compliance of stormwater management projects in buildings that are subject to its authorization with respect to construction and conversion permits as well as cutting permits that allow the bearer to connect to the public water and sewer system.
When is authorization needed?
You must get authorization from the SRGE if the work you are planning involves construction of a storm water management system as outlined in municipal by-law 20-030 (August 30, 2021 office consolidation) or installation of a connection to the water system that measures 100 mm or more.
This authorization is a prerequisite to the borough issuing a permit for construction, conversion or excavation on public property.
Application steps
1- Preliminary assessment (optional)
If your project has special features, you can submit an e-mail application for an analyst to perform a preliminary general assessment of the design of the storm water management system and connections to public waterworks before officially submitting your application.
For more information about plans and profiles of public waterworks, contact the geomatics division by e-mail.
2- Official assessment and authorization
In order for the SRGE to officially assess and authorize your project, you must complete the storm water management form (in French) and submit all required documents.
Below, in the “Required Documents” section, you will find the list of required documents for us to assess your application, depending on your project:
- Storm water management (Chapter IV of by-law 20-030)
- Domestic water connection, 100mm and more
If a city permit is required for the project, an application must be submitted at the borough ahead of time.
If your documents contain incomplete or missing information, the analyst may give you a deadline to correct and complete your application. If you miss the deadline, the analyst can refuse your application.
3- End of work
Within 60 days of the end of a storm water management system construction project, be sure that you send the SRGE your final plans that illustrate the work you did in compliance with chapter IV of by-law 20-030.
Preparing your application
To reduce processing times, be sure you provide a complete and compliant application. Incomplete and non-compliant applications are the main delay factor in receiving authorization. Exchanges around completing projects and ensuring they are compliant with legislation generate excess work and costs, both for you and the city.
Guidance documents
Below you will find a number of guidance documents to help you design and document your projects according to acceptance criteria that are in force.
The interpretation guides are design guidance documents that explain all articles of the chapters of by-law 20-030. To know more about how the SRGE processes applications or for useful references concerning optimal storm water management, please see our FAQ (in French) below.
Please note that data on pluviometric data (in French) is also available. You can also see the storm water management digital map (in French) and the map of pressure regulation areas (in French).
- PDF file Autorisation gestion des eaux pluviales : liste des documents à fournir (in French) [PDF 220 KB]
- PDF file Autorisation pour branchement d'eau domestique : liste des documents à fournir (in French) [PDF 53 KB]
- PDF file Foire aux question sur le traitement de demandes (in French) [PDF 121 KB]
- PDF file Paramètres de modélisation SWMM5 (in French) [PDF 463 KB]
- PDF file Estimation du volume de rétention (in French) [PDF 613 KB]
- PDF file Tableau des techniques de rétention (in French) [PDF 185 KB]
- PDF file Plan type de génie civil (in French) [PDF 1 MB]
- PDF file Exemple de devis PFT (in French) [PDF 179 KB]
- PDF file Transformation des toits plats (in French) [PDF 8 MB]
- PDF file Guide d'interprétation du Règlement 20-030 - Chapitre 1 (in French) [PDF 169 KB]
- PDF file Guide d'interprétation du Règlement 20-030 - Chapitre 4 (in French) [PDF 5 MB]
- PDF file Guide d'interprétation du Règlement 20-030 - Chapitre 5 (in French) [PDF 187 KB]
- PDF file Guide d'interprétation du Règlement 20-030 - Chapitre 6 (in French) [PDF 217 KB]
- PDF file Formulaire de demande de travaux correctifs (section V du chapitre III du Règlement 20-030) (in French) [PDF 176 KB]
- PDF file Rapport d'inspection (section V du chapitre III du Règlement 20-030) (in French) [PDF 288 KB]
- PDF file Procédure de géoréférencement des modélisations SWMM (in French) [PDF 609 KB]
Communication channels
Complete the online authorization application form.
Contact us if you have questions of a general nature that are not related to a project that is currently being evaluated.
Need help?
Contact us if you have questions.
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