Renew your registration for a community garden

Last updated February 14, 2025

Want to continue using your garden plot next year? You must renew your registration in order to do so.

If you had a plot in a community garden last year, you must renew your registration in order to keep your plot this year.

In several boroughs, a committee elected by the gardeners ensures that the garden is run smoothly.

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  • If you do not renew your registration, you will lose access to your garden plot. To obtain a small garden plot, you will be required to add your name to the waiting list of Ville en vert (in French). You may renew your subscription by email or by phone. 

Required documents

  • Photo ID
  • A picture or PDF file containing a proof of address that is no more than 3 months old, such as a public service invoice.
  • renewal code received by e-mail


Full garden plot


Half garden plot


Raised bed


Renew your registration

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

Extension number 252

You may reach the person in charge of gardens at extension 252, or the horticultural animator at extension 260.

  • If you had a plot in a community garden last year, you must renew your registration in order to keep your plot this year.
  • In January, you will receive a letter by e-mail or postal mail, together with instructions on renewing your registration. If you do not receive a letter, please contact us as soon as possible at 514-493-8200.
  • In the event of a late registration, there is no guarantee that you will keep the same garden plot that you had last year. It is your responsibility to notify us of any changes in your contact information.
  • The payment must be made in cash at the community garden annual meeting in April or May.


Full garden plot



Required documents

For more information

Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social


Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social

7500 Avenue Goncourt
Montréal, QC H1K 3X9


If you got a garden plot last year, you must renew your registration by February 28, 2025 to keep your plot. To submit your request, contact the non-profit organization (NPO) Dépôt alimentaire NDG.

Eligibility criteria

At the time of renewal, you must:

  • Be 18 years of age or over
  • Be a resident of Montréal (priority is given to residents of the CDN-NDG borough)
  • Have occupied a garden plot in the Borough last year as a principal gardener
  • Not be absent for more than two months annually for two consecutive years

You will need to provide identification and proof of residence to validate your eligibility. Your information must be validated before April 15 of the current year to operate your plot. 


By renewing your registration for the community gardens program, you must read the contents of the Reference guide for community gardens and adhere at all times to the code of conduct and all the rules in force. 


Type of fee


Renting a plot or half-plot reserved for resident


Right of participation

Between $15 and $30

Payment of a participation fee, which varies from one community garden to the next, is required by the garden committees in order to cover specific expenses anticipated during the course of the year in progress.


Required documents

  1. Photocopy of a valid piece of photo ID, front and back (driver’s licence or health insurance card)
  2. Photocopy of a proof of residence:
  • Municipal tax statement
  • Hydro bill (dating back no more than three month​​​​​​s)
  • Valid driver’s licence​​​​​


You can renew your registration by telephone.

Community gardens

  • Jardins Remembrance
  • Jardins Réal-Gareau
  • Jardins Les petites-pousses

Collective gardens

  • Jardin du soleil
  • Jardin du Regroupement de Lachine
  • Jardin Wilfrid-Vincent


Jardins Remembrance and Réal-Gareau - Full garden plot


Learn more

By phone

  • If you participated last year, you will receive a letter inviting you to renew your registration, together with a registration from, from the Société d’horticulture de LaSalle or the Société d’horticulture des Rapides.
  • Please send the completed form and your payment by postal mail or bring the form in person to the organization concerned.

Communication channels

By e-mail

By postal mail

Cheque only

  • Société d’horticulture de LaSalle

Case postale 3125, Succursale Lapierre 

LaSalle, Québec H8N 3H3

  • Société d’horticulture des Rapides

Case postale 47089, Succursale Place LaSalle 

LaSalle (Québec) H8P 3V9


Per plot


  • Renewal of registration exclusively online
  • No renewal by postal mail or in person

Requested documents

  • To access the registration and online payment system, a valid card from the Réseau des bibliothèques publiques de Montréal is required. This card is free of charge on presentation of a piece of ID with a valid and recent address. The Grande Bibliothèque (BAnQ) card is not accepted.
  • Accès Montréal card, municipal tax statement, bill from a public utility (with your address), or valid driver’s licence.


Full garden plot


Half garden plot  


Communication channels

Gardening facilitator


Opening of the gardens

May 1, 2024

Registration letter

If you participated last year, you will receive a letter between mid-February and early March asking you to renew your membership, along with a registration form. 

This invitation will be sent by e-mail or postal mail, based on the option you selected in the previous year.

The letter will include a personal code to renew your registration directly on the Web site.

Renewal period

Online: Second week of March, for three weeks

In person: March 10 to 28, 2025


Annual fee of $10, $15 or $20 payable directly to your garden committee.

There are three ways to make your payment:

  • Online through the platform
  • In cash paid to your garden committee as of May 1
  • By cheque payable to your garden committee as of May 1 

In the latter two cases , you must provide your first and last name, telephone number and garden plot number.

Required documents

  • A photo of your driver’s license or bill from a utility company (Hydro-Québec, Gaz Métropolitain, etc.).

These documents must be less than two months old at the time of reservation.


Once on the site, enter the code indicated in your renewal letter.

815 Rue Bel-Air
First floor
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4

In-person registration is from March 4 to March 22, 2024 only.

Our team will help you register online and pay online.

If you are unable to pay online, you will be able to submit a check or cash as of May 1, 2024 to your garden committee.

This service is not offered in this borough.

The renewal period is from February 15 to February 28, 2025

Requested documents

  • municipal tax statement
  • bill from a public utility
  • valid driver’s licence
  • Accès Montréal card or resident card



Annual membership fee

Between $5 and $20

Communication channels

  • If you had a garden plot last year, you will be contacted by the Éco-quartier to renew your membership (between January and February).
  • Registration is renewed between February and March of each year.
  • You can renew and pay for the registration in person at at one of the éco-quartier’s 2 service points.
  • If you do not renew in time, you will lose access to your garden plot. You will then have to put your name on the Éco-Quartier’s waiting list.
  • By renewing your registration for the community gardens program, you must read the contents of the Reference guide for community gardens and adhere at all times to the code of conduct and all the rules in force.


Registered users can occupy a garden free of charge. However, an annual membership fee is required to participate in garden activities and meet specific expenses set by the garden committee. The membership must be paid annually.

Type of garden plot


Full garden plot (3 m x 6 m)


Half garden plot (3 m x 3 m)


Raised bed


Low-income applicants

Low-income earners may be exempted from paying the annual fee. They must present proof of low income (notice of assessment from Revenu Québec or the Canada Revenue Agency) at the time of registration.  Low-income thresholds are those set out on the Statistics Canada Web site.


Required documents

  • Photo ID
  • Photo or PDF file with proof of address for the year in progress, such as a public utility bill (Hydro-Québec, telephone, etc.) dating back no more than three months
  • Payment in cash only

Low-income applicants

  • The most recent notice of assessment from Revenu Québec or Canada Revenue Agency

Communication channels

Éco-quartier Montréal-Nord

Extension number 305

10861 Boulevard Pie-IX
Montréal, QC H1H 4A9

12277, boulevard Rolland
Montréal, QC H1G 5T1

Community gardens are temporarily located in the Éphémères gardens at the Université de Montréal.


Per plot


Communication channels

Direction de la culture, des loisirs et du développement social


Direction de la culture, des loisirs et du développement social

999, avenue McEachran
Outremont, QC H2V 3E6

This service is not offered in this borough.

  • If you participated last year, you will receive in January or February, you will receive a notice to renew your registration from the Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social. The notice will be sent by e-mail or postal mail.
  • The annual registration renewal period runs from February to March.
  • The registration can be renewed and the payment can be made through the online platform. Each member will receive a unique code to update their file and make their payment in full (members who are unable to pay online are invited to register by going in person to a point of service).
  • Gardeners are also invited to an annual general meeting, during which they will receive their membership cards and all the essential information concerning access to the garden.

Requested documents

Proof of residence from among the following:

  • Accès Montréal card
  • municipal tax statement
  • bill from a public utility
  • valid driver’s licence

For more information :

Communication channels


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Point of service

12090, rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1

Point of service

8910 Boulevard Maurice-Duplessis
Montréal, QC H1E 6X5
  • If you participated last year, you will receive a renewal letter including a renewal code and the procedure to follow by e-mail or postal mail at the beginning of the year.
  • Registration is then renewed on the Web site at


Full garden*


Half garden plot or bin


Membership Fee

Between $5 and $15

*Free for last-resort financial aid recipients upon presentation of their official ID card before the registration deadline.


Communication channels

Payment methods:

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)
  • Cheque
  • Cash

Community garden


Your garden leader will contact you in March to find out if you intend to renew your registration.

Requested documents


Garden plot


Communication channels

By phone

Section centre sportif et installations

  • If you participated in the previous season, you will receive a letter in the fall inviting you to renew your registration. 
  • You must respond by postal mail or in person by bringing the letter, along with your proof of residence and payment, to the meeting held in April.

Requested documents

Proof of residence from among the following:

  • Accès Saint-Léonard card
  • municipal tax statement
  • bill from a public utility
  • valid driver’s licence


Jardin Arthur-Péloquin - garden plot


Jardin Couture - garden plot


Communication channels

By phone

Comité des usagers des jardins communautaires de Saint-Léonard



Jardin communautaire du parc Adrien-D.-Archambault
Managed by the Société d’horticulture de l’Île-des-Soeurs
Contact :

Jardins communautaires Desmarchais et Woodland
Managed by the Société d’horticulture Les pouces verts de Verdun
Contact :

Jardin communautaire du parc Lucien-Caron
Managed by the organization Jardin du Pacifique
Contact :

If you participated during the previous season, you will receive a renewal letter by e-mail at the beginning of the year with a renewal code and applicable procedures.
You can then use the code to renew through our Web site:


Full garden plot


Membership fee

Between $5 and $30, depending on that particular garden’s committee

Required documents

Proof of residence from among the following:

  • municipal tax statement
  • bill from a public utility
  • valid driver’s licence
  • Accès Montréal card
  • bank or credit card statement
  • lease from the Office municipal d’habitation de Montréal

Learn more

Laboratoire sur l'agriculture urbaine (AU/LAB)

  • If you participated in the previous season, you will receive a letter from the Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social in mid-January inviting you to renew your registration.
  • You must respond before March 31, 2024, by postal mail or by bringing your completed form, along with your proof of residence and payment, to the Accès Montréal office in the borough.

Type of garden plot


Full garden plot


Raised bed - jardin De Normanville


Half garden plot


Raised bed
