Financial assistance: businesses in areas affected by major construction work

Last updated March 18, 2025

Is your business being affected by major construction work being done for Montréal, a related city, or the STM? Are you located within the Montréal Urban Agglomeration? You could be eligible for funding of up to $40,000 per fiscal year if your establishment qualifies for this program.



This program aims to:

  • Help merchants stay in business while major infrastructure works take place near their establishment
  • Maintain Montreal’s commercial vitality and vigour

Financial assistance is available up to a maximum of $40,000 per fiscal year. The subsidy is calculated based on the reduction in the business’s gross profit.

You can make a single request covering all the applicable fiscal years at the end of a project, or file a separate request for each eligible fiscal year.

You have a limited time after completion of the work to submit your application.

Another program offered

In addition to this program, the city offers qualifying businesses affected by major projects a lump-sum subsidy of $5,000.


Eligible establishments

To benefit from the program, establishments must:

  • Be providing retail sales, product rentals, or consumer services
  • Already be in operation before the project begins
  • Be located in an eligible area
  • Demonstrate a decrease of more than 5% in gross profit

Eligible areas

Eligible areas must be affected by construction projects that meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a major public infrastructure project carried out by Montréal, a related city, or the Société de transport de Montréal (STM)
  • Must last for a minimum of 6 months
  • Must cause traffic jams 

These areas are designated by the Executive Committee.

To find out if your business is in an eligible area, use the map below. You can enter your address using the search icon or browse the map.


Massage services, and the following activities as listed under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS, 2022, version 1.0), are excluded:

  • Professional, scientific and technical services (group 54) other than interior design services (class 54141) and photographic services (class 54192)
  • Financial and insurance services (group 52)
  • Delivery of health care or social assistance services (group 62), except day-care services (class 62441)
  • Provision of real estate services (subgroup 531) other than self-service mini-warehouse services (class 53113)

A company that has ceased operations or gone bankrupt within 40 days of submitting its application is not eligible.

Submitting an application

  1. Make sure your establishment is located in an eligible sector
  2. Consult the Subsidy request guide (in French) for full details.
  3. View the Guide of Charter of the French language declaration (in French)
  4. Gather the following documents in digital form:
  • Company status information from the Registre des entreprises du Québec.
  • Current certificate of occupancy
  • Document establishing the mandate of any person acting on behalf of the company, if applicable
  • View the Guide of Charter of the French language declaration (in French) and completed and signed Charter of the French language declaration form (in French) along with the certificate, attestation of application or attestation of registration, if applicable.
  • Complete copy of lease signed by both parties attesting to tenant status for all or part of the building located in an eligible sector, before and during construction, if applicable
  • For the fiscal year(s) in which construction takes place:
    • The company’s financial statements
    • The company’s federal income tax returns
    • Notices of assessment issued by the federal government
  • For the fiscal year(s) prior to the construction period:
    • The company’s financial statements
    • The company’s federal income tax returns
    • Notices of assessment issued by the federal government
  • Documents attesting to subsidies related to the COVID-19 pandemic that you received in 2020, 2021 and 2022, if applicable

4- Fill in the form below (in French) and attach the necessary documents.

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