How the city solicits suppliers

Last updated December 20, 2021

Want to know how the city solicits suppliers of goods, general or professional services or for the execution of work? Here is what you need to know.

Solicitation methods

As set out in the Cities and Towns Act, Montréal solicits suppliers and awards contracts. It uses three methods of solicitation depending on the estimated value of the contract.

Competitive contract

This method is used when the estimated value of a contract is less than $24,999. One or two suppliers are solicited, either by e-mail or telephone. Depending on the requirements of the specifications, these suppliers may be registered in the database or may have previously carried out a contract for the city.

Invitational call for tenders

When the estimated value of the contract is between $25,000 and $133,799, two means of solicitation are possible: An invitational or a competitive call for tenders. Tender documents are sent by e-mail to at least two suppliers that are already registered in the supplier database.

Documents include:

  • A summary description of the good to be acquired, the service required or the work to be performed
  • Where to send the bid 
  • The time and date by which bids must be received
  • The time of the bid opening

Public calls for tenders

If the estimated contract value is $133,800 or more, a public notice is issued:

  • On the website of the Québec electronic tendering system (SÉAO)
  • On the city’s website
  • In a Montréal daily newspaper 

The public notice contains:

  • A summary description of the good to be acquired, the service required or the work to be performed
  • Where to send the bid
  • The time and date by which bids must be received
  • The time of the bid opening

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