2 steps to follow when applying for a permit in Ahuntsic-Cartierville
Do you need a permit? The Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough permit counter is where you can get information on the process and submit your permit application. Follow these two steps.
You may need a permit for:
- Construction, demolition and renovation (interior and exterior)
- Driveways
- Commercial signs
- Occupancy of public property
- Commercial occupancy
Please note: The permit counter does not handle permit applications for felling private trees. Please call 311 for this type of application.
Step 1 : Get information and specific details
Before starting any work, you should consult the Règlement d’urbanisme de l’arrondissement d’Ahuntsic-Cartierville, to see what is authorized or not and identify the by-laws that apply in the borough.
You can also come to the permit counter.
Step 2 : Apply for a permit
You can apply for some kinds of permits online, so you won’t have to come in person to our permit counter. Check the list of permits that you can apply for online.
You must create an online account before submitting a permit application.
In person
You must make an appointment before coming to the permit counter.
Call 514 872-3020 or email us at permis_ac@montreal.ca to make an appointment at the permit counter. Please make sure you have all the necessary documents before making an appointment. See this page for instructions on what to bring.
Payment by credit or debit card is encouraged, but all the other usual forms of payment are also accepted.
Avoid stress and unpleasant surprises : submit your application as early as possible!
If you are planning renovations, you might do well to submit your permit application outside of our busy periods, so that it can be issued faster.
For work in the spring, we recommend that you submit your application during the previous winter, i.e. between November and January. Starting in mid-March, the number of permit applications goes up considerably and processing times also get longer.
If your project calls for specific authorization (a by-law exemption, in a heritage sector, etc.), expect it to take several months longer, because of administrative procedures imposed by provincial legislation and local by-laws.
Make sure your application is complete. Missing documents are the primary cause of delays in issuing permits.
In French
- Combien de permis pour rénover [88,6 ko]
- Entrées charretières [832 ko]
- Abris temporaires d’automobiles [969,9 ko]
- Fiche bâtiment non exempté [321 ko]
- Fiche bâtiment exempté [345 ko]
- Antennes, clôtures, thermopompes [1012,6 ko]
- Combien de temps pour obtenir un permis? [728 ko]
- Dépendances [1 Mo]
- Permis de construction [670 ko]
- Permis de transformation [802,6 ko]
- Protection des arbres [1 Mo]
- Rétention des eaux de pluie [814,2 ko]
- Formulaire de calcul de rétention d’eau
- Thermopompes de balcon [980,2 ko]
- Ventes-débarras [737,5 ko]
- Piscines, bassins d’eau et sécurité [706 ko]
- Certificat d’occupation
- Clapets antiretour, l’équipement de relevage automatique et les gouttières [3,9 Mo]
- Permis de café-terrasses
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Contact us if you have questions.
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