Peel Project

Last updated December 21, 2021
Reading time: 2 min

A street improvement project will transform Rue Peel between Avenue des Pins and Rue Smith. Follow its progress.

Project description


The Peel Project consists of redesigning this major thoroughfare. Planned improvements include widening of sidewalks, creation of one of the Express Bike Network (EBN) corridor, planting of vegetation, installation of street furniture, adjustment of lighting and upgrades to the energy and telecommunications networks and water and sewer lines.

Here are the project objectives:

  • Promote active transportation and transit, by improving the pedestrian and cyclist experience.
  • Consolidate Rue Peel’s role as an important institutional and commercial street.
  • Make public space more welcoming, in a context of increasing building density and development of an innovation hub.
  • Highlight archaeological discoveries on Rue Peel and Rue Sherbrooke, as well as Montréal’s rich thousand-year history, in collaboration with the Kahnawà:ke community.
  • Replace aging underground infrastructure and urban technical networks.

Project components


Rue Peel is one of the only continuous streets between the water and the mountain. Spanning 2.4 km, it runs through several districts: Griffintown, the Quartier des Gares, the central business district and the Golden Square Mile.

Rue Peel connects several busy commercial blocks, École de technologie supérieure, McGill University, and three significant heritage sites:

Public consultation

A public consultation was held in 2019 to discuss design options for Rue Peel downtown, between Boulevard René-Lévesque and Rue Sherbrooke. View the Réalisons Montréal Web page for further information (in French).


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