Remove an above-ground pool

Last updated October 11, 2023

Do you have an above-ground pool in your yard? Do you wish to replace it or remove all its components? A permit is required to do so in Saint-Laurent and in Saint-Léonard. Learn how to apply for a permit through your borough.

Some boroughs require a permit to change the landscaping of a property.

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A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

However, regulations state that 20 per cent of your property after the modification must be planted with vegetation.

A permit application may be required if a new landscaping element is planned for the property, e.g. a terrace or a shed. Please request information or come to the permit counter for more information.

Communication channels

In person

555 Rue Chabanel Ouest
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit, also called a certificate of authorization, is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

Go to a point of service with your documents to submit your application for a permit.


The permit to remove an above-ground pool costs $180.

Communication channels

In person

Permit counter

777, boulevard Marcel-Laurin
Saint-Laurent, QC H4M 2M7

A permit is required to remove an above-ground pool.


The permit costs $165, taxes included

Required documents

  • certificate of location
  • contractor’s bid
  • Plan of the new yard layout, if necessary

Communication channels

8400 Boulevard Lacordaire
Montréal, QC H1R 3B1

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.

A permit is not required to remove an above-ground pool.