RénoPlex: Renovation subsidies for buildings with 1 to 5 dwellings

Do you own a building in Montréal and want financial support for renovation work? Whether you are an individual, a company, a housing co-operative or non-profit organization, this program may help you pay for your work if you meet the criteria.


General criteria

Are you the owner of a building having 6 dwelling units or more? You may be eligible for the Affordable housing renovation program.


Beginning of work

You have 18 months to carry out the work, starting on the day you receive your conditional approval.

You must apply for the required permits to be issued by your borough.


Subsidy amounts

  • 20,000 $ for a single family home
  • 40,000 $ for a building of 2 to 5 units

If the immovable is held by a cooperative or by a housing NPO, the total amount of the subsidy that you are entitled to is multiplied by 1.5 as compared to the amounts granted for the various types of renovation work.

Magnitude of work

You must apply for at least $3,000 in subsidies, unless your application only covers work pertaining to flood preparedness (Component 3), in which case, the minimum amount is $500.

Below are some examples of amounts granted: 

  • $88 per meter square to install a green roof
  • $352 to repair a crack
  • $1,000 to raise a garage entrance

Submitting an application

Step 1: Determine if the application is eligible

To be eligible for the program, the value of the building must be at most $3476/m2. This threshold applies to work as part of Components 1 and 3.

Buildings containing at least two dwelling units and having a value that does not exceed the threshold, are eligible for work as part of Component 2, covering 11 types of work.

Step 2: Check the program’s technical requirements 

You must comply with program requirements and technical criteria described under the Program Guide for your renovation work to be eligible for the subsidy. For instance, flat roofs must be renewed using a white membrane. Once an application has been approved, we will inform you of all requirements applicable to your type of work.

Step 3: Fill out your application 

Every person must submit an application using the online form. Include in your application all documents listed in the RénoPlex Program Guide.

In partnership

This program is part of the Montréal Reflex Framework Agreement, which recognizes the special status of the metropolis, particularly in terms of housing.

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