RénoPlex: Renovation subsidies for buildings with 1 to 5 dwellings

Do you own a building in Montréal and want financial support for renovation work? Whether you are an individual, a company, a housing co-operative or non-profit organization, this program may help you pay for your work if you meet the criteria.


General conditions

The page will be updated on August 23, following the adoption of the enhanced RénoPlex program by Montréal’s city council.

Starting and completing the work

You must wait until you have received confirmation that your grant application has been approved before starting the work.

You have 18 months to complete the work, starting on the date on which your application was given conditional approval.

Criteria and conditions applicable to all projects

Scope of work

To apply for a grant, you must apply for at least $3,000 in subsidies.

Here are some examples of amounts you could receive:

  • $1,200 to replace a lead water service line
  • $320 to repair a crack in a foundation wall
  • $970 to increase the capacity of an electric service entrance to 200 amperes.

The grant must not represent more than 50 per cent of the actual cost of eligible work.

Mandatory work

If your property includes a boiler, water heater, or a central furnace fuelled with home heating oil, it is mandatory that you replace the appliance during your work project.

Technical requirements

For your project to be eligible for a grant, you must meet the technical requirements described in the Program Guide. For example, a flat roof must be covered with a white membrane. Once your application is approved, we will let you know about all requirements for the work you are having done.

Get permits

You must apply to your borough for the permits required by the work project.

Document to download

Do you own a building with 6 or more dwellings? You may be eligible for the Affordable Housing Renovation Program.

Vous êtes propriétaire d’un immeuble de 6 logements ou plus? Vous pourriez être admissible au programme Réno logement abordable.


Component 1: Building with 1 dwelling (single-family home) - private property

Eligibility criteria

Property value

The building must have a building value below or equal to $3,160/square metre.

Subsidized work

As the owner of a single-family house, you may be eligible for Block 1 work projects.

The maximum grant is $20,000.


Component 2: Building with 2 to 5 dwellings - private owners

This component applies to exclusively residential buildings belonging to one or more individuals (undivided co-ownership), or a company.

Eligibility criteria

1. Occupancy

At least 50 per cent of the dwelling units must be occupied at the time of the grant application and during the project.

2. Property value

  • If the per-square-metre property value for the building is less than or equal to $3,160/square metre, you can access Block 1 work, which includes 5 categories.

Subsidized work

The per-square-metre property value for the building will determine if you can access Block 1 work or Block 2 work.

The maximum grant amount is $40,000.


Component 3: Building with 1 to 5 dwellings - co-operatives and not-for-profits

This component is for buildings belonging to a housing co-operative or not-for-profit organization, no matter the property value.

If your property is eligible, the grant amount to which you are entitled is multiplied by 1.5 of the amounts by type of work. For example, supposing you calculate that the total amount of the grant would be $5,000 for your planned work. The bonus means you could obtain 1.5 times this amount, or $7,500.

Concurrent grants

If you have received a subsidy from another government level for the same work:

  • You must tell us.
  • All grant amounts together cannot exceed 80 per cent of the actual costs and fees for the work.

Eligibility criteria

1. Governmental financial assistance

To be eligible, the housing co-operative or not-for-profit organization cannot be receiving ongoing operating financial support under a governmental or municipal social housing program, aside from a rent supplement program.

2. Occupancy

At least 50 per cent of the dwelling units must be occupied at the time of the grant application and during the work project.

The grant must not represent more than 75 per cent of the actual cost of eligible work.

The maximum grant is $30,000 for a building with one dwelling unit and $60,000 for buildings with 2 to 5 dwelling units.

Subsidized work projects

Housing co-operatives and non-profit organizations are eligible for a subsidy to complete Block 2 work if they meet the program criteria.


Component 4: Mixed-use building with 1 to 5 dwellings

A mixed-use building is a building that includes a residential part and a commercial part.

Eligibility criteria

1. Building value

The building must have a per-metre property value below or equal to $1110/square metre.

2. Non-residential area

The non-residential area of the building must represent no more than 50 per cent.

Subsidized work

Mixed-use buildings are eligible for a grant to complete Block 2 work, if they meet the program criteria.

The maximum grant is $20,000 for a building with 1 dwelling unit and $40,000 for a building with 2 to 5 dwelling units.

In partnership

This program is part of the Montréal Reflex Framework Agreement, which recognizes the special status of the metropolis, particularly in terms of housing.

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