Business relationships and contracts

Last updated August 16, 2024

Find out about city contracts, how suppliers’ services are evaluated and how to complain about irregularities.

Reports on contracts awarded

The city publishes information on contracts awarded each year, as set out in section 477.6 of the Cities and Towns Act.

Contracts of $25,000 or more

The list of contracts signed since April 1, 2011 is published in the Electronic Tendering System (SEAO), approved by the Government of Québec. Select a city unit to view the details.

Contracts awarded by public servants

A list of contracts awarded by an official to a single supplier is published by January 31 of each year. Expenditures between $2,000 and under $25,000 are recorded. The list is for contracts awarded in the last full fiscal year prior to the current year.

View awarded contracts

A list of contracts authorized by the executive committee and city council since January 2012 is available.

Evaluation of supplier performance

The city provides a “report card” to contractors and suppliers on completed contracts.

Suppliers concerned

  • Those that have been awarded a contract following a public tender or winners of architectural or design competitions.
  • Those with contracts awarded in excess of $1 million for works and $500,000 for goods, general and professional services.
  • Those whose contract includes a risk analysis that requires a performance evaluation.

Definition of unsatisfactory performance

The passing grade is 70 per cent. Any grade below that is considered unsatisfactory performance. This evaluation is based on a grid of indicators that reflect the supplier’s performance during the execution of the contract.

List of firms whose performance is not satisfactory

The supplier has 30 days to respond to the comments in the evaluation report. If the supplier responds to the city’s satisfaction, the process ends. If not, the supplier will be placed on the list of suppliers with unsatisfactory performance for two years. This list is public.

The supplier may bid on new tenders. The city reserves the right to decide whether or not to award a contract to the supplier, even if the supplier is the lowest compliant bidder. In some cases, the city’s decision-making bodies may still decide to award a contract to such a supplier.

Do you have questions about a particular case?

Contact the person mentioned in the tender or competition.

Procedure for filing a complaint

The Comptroller General of Montréal receives and deals fairly with complaints made in the case of the city’s awarding of a contract by an invitational or competitive tender.

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