Montréal’s hiring process, step by step
Would you like more information about the city hiring process? Learn about the steps to follow for all our job categories right now.
Step 1: Preselection of candidates
Based on the information provided in your curriculum vitae, an initial analysis of your application is made. We choose the candidates who best respond to the responsibilities of the position in terms of experience and education. For union positions, we apply the rules related to the collective work agreements.
Are you looking for help on drafting an effective CV? Consult our article on the five essential elements of a CV.
Step 2: Interview and tests
Has your application been preselected? Congratulations! Now, prepare yourself well for your interview.
Step 3: Pre-employment verifications
This is the last step! Selected applicants will undergo pre-employment checking. For positions with the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), A security inquiry will also be done.
Remember that you can consult your on-line account at any time to learn the status of your application.
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