Lead in your water

Last updated July 11, 2024

The city intends to remove all lead service lines within city limits between now and 2032. Learn about lead screening, health recommendations and work being done to replace affected service lines.

Lead and health

Montréal’s drinking water is of excellent quality. However, some pipes contain lead, which is reason for caution. Although Montréal’s public health authority, the Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal considers that the risks to health related to lead in the water in Montréal are low, it recommends that you take certain precautions when using water. Read our articles for more details.

Action plan

To protect the health of its population and preserve the quality of its drinking water, the city has launched a large-scale action plan to remove all lead water service lines within city limits between now and 2032. 

As part of this plan, a vast screening campaign was created. Buildings that are likely to be affected (buildings with eight or fewer dwellings that were built before 1970) were identified. Their residents receive a letter setting out the steps that will be taken to replace the service line, including screening, work schedules and health tips. You can read the annual reports on these actions:


If you have not received a letter and would like to know if your service line is made of lead, you can view the lead map and check your service line, or have the plumber do it. Under certain conditions, you can ask for the city to screen your tap water.

Filtration pitcher

Did the results of the screening show that your home has a lead service line? In this case, you should have received a letter explaining the procedure to receive a filtration pitcher from the city.

Your obligations as an owner

Replacing the private portion of the service line is now required. It is your responsibility as an owner to plan the replacement of your service line.

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