Get a plot in a community garden
Would you like to grow vegetables in one of Montréal’s community gardens? Find out how to sign up for your own garden plot.
In most boroughs, community gardens are offered to residents who wish to grow a garden. Some boroughs also offer small garden plots adapted to people with limited mobility.
Registered gardeners are provided with earth, a water point, access to a shed or a toolbox, tables and fences.
In several boroughs, a committee elected by the gardeners ensures that the garden is run smoothly.
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The borough has eight community gardens. We have more than 1,000 plots that are available to residents, including full plots that measure three metres by three metres (10 feet by 20 feet), raised bins and half plots.
To get a plot, you must sign up for the waiting list. Unfortunately, the waiting time is currently greater than one year.
- At the beginning of the year, available plots are assigned to people who are on the waiting list by chronological order.
- One plot is assigned per address.
- Priority is given to borough residents.
Type of plot | Amount |
Full garden plot | $15 |
Half garden plot | $8 |
Raised garden bed | $8 |
Required documents
- Photo ID
- Photo or PDF of proof of address for the current year, such as a public utility bill (Hydro-Québec, telephone, etc.) that is less than three months old
Communication channels
Anjou has seven community gardens with a total of 550 small low-cost garden plots. Several of these community gardens include raised beds.
- The registration period for new gardeners runs until March 7, 2025.
- Please complete the registration form available below. The form is also available at the Centre communautaire d’Anjou, in the “bureau des loisirs”, Bibliothèque du Haut-Anjou, or at the Accès Montréal Office, during opening hours. The registration form is also available at the entry hall of Bibliothèque Jean-Corbeil, may be deposited into a box provided for this purpose.
- Given the limited availability of plots in some gardens, if your name is placed on a waiting list and you will be notified thereof.
- Residents who register after March 7 will be assigned a garden plot based on availability, or if required, they will be placed on a waiting list.
- Payment terms will be specified at the time of registration.
- Gardeners must hold a valid “carte de citoyen” (in French) (resident card) to reserve a garden plot.
- To use a raised bed, gardeners may submit an application to the Garden Committee.
Location of gardens
- Parc André-Laurendeau
- Parc des Roseraies
- Parc Lucie-Bruneau
- Parc de Spalding
- Parc Roger-Rousseau
- Église Notre-Dame-d’Anjou (behind the church)
- Corner of Boulevard Châteauneuf and Boulevard Roi-René
- Seeding and planting: Must start no later than June 1 and be completed no later than June 10.
- Water service shut-off: Mid-October
- End-of-season clean-up: Must be completed by November 1.
- Gardens close: November 1
Fees | |
Registration | $20 Includes a $10 deposit for the key. Deposit is refundable when the plot is clean and the key has been returned. |
Full garden plot | $10 |
Call us at 514 493-8200 or send us an e-mail.
Required documents
- Valid Carte de citoyen
- Completed registration form
2e étage
Montréal, QC H1K 3X9
Drop off your registration form during office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Leave it in the metallic blue box when our offices are closed.
Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social
Anjou, QC H1K 3X9
Send us your registration form before the deadline.
Send us your registration form before the deadline.
Waiting list
In order to obtain a garden, you must register to join the waiting list.
To do so, please contact the non-profit organization (NPO) NDG Food Depot.
The NPO will send you a registration form to complete, sign and return. You will need to provide identification and proof of residence to validate your eligibility. After your information is validated, your name will be added to the waiting list.
When a garden plot becomes available, the NPO contacts you.
Priority is given to residents of the borough.
By registering for the community gardens program, you must undertake to read the Reference guide for community gardens and comply with the code of conduct and the applicable regulations at all times.
Type of fee | Amount |
Renting a plot or half-plot reserved for residents | Free |
Right of participation | Between $15 and $30 |
Payment of an participation fee, which varies from one community garden to the next, is required by the garden committees in order to cover specific expenses anticipated during the course of the year in progress. |
Required documents
- Photocopy of a valid piece of photo ID, front and back (driver’s licence or health insurance card)
- Photocopy of a proof of residence:
- Municipal tax statement
- Hydro bill (dating back no more than three months)
- Valid driver’s licence
You can register by phone. Borough residents are given priority.
Community gardens
- Jardins Remembrance
- Jardins Réal-Gareau
- Jardins Les petites-pousses
Collective gardens
- Jardin du soleil
- Jardin du Regroupement de Lachine
- Jardin Wilfrid-Vincent
Fees | |
Jardins Remembrance and Réal-Gareau full garden plot | $20 |
Learn more
By phone
- To get a garden plot, you need to add your name to a waiting list. Send the relevant horticultural society (Société d’horticulture) a written request, including the following: your full name, your address and home phone number, the name of the community garden, and your age group.
- Starting April 1, any available plots are assigned on a first come, first served basis.
- Borough residents are given priority.
By post mail
Cheque only
- Société d’horticulture de LaSalle
Case postale 3125, Succursale Lapierre
LaSalle, Québec H8N 3H3
- Société d’horticulture des Rapides
Case postale 47089, Succursale Place LaSalle
LaSalle (Québec) H8P 3V9
For more information
By e-mail
Contact the organization in your area and leave a voicemail message.
- Société d’horticulture de LaSalle - Jardin Charles-Nagy:
- Société d’horticulture des Rapides -Jardin des Rapides:
Fees | |
Per assigned plot | $25 |
- You must register online.
- Starting March 1, any available spots are assigned to citizens whose names are on the waiting list.
Required documents
- To access the online registration and payment system, you will need a valid card from the Montréal Public Libraries Network. This card is available free of charge. To get it, you must show ID with a valid recent address. The Grande Bibliothèque (BAnQ) card is not accepted.
- Accès Montréal card or municipal tax bill or utility bill (with your address) or valid driver’s license.
Fees | |
Full garden plot | $23 |
Half garden plot | $11.50 |
Communication channels
Register to join the waiting list
In order to reserve a small garden plot, you must register to join a waiting list for the garden of your choice.
Garden plots are assigned based on the order of registration on the waiting list. Registering does not guarantee that you will have access to a garden plot during the year in progress or even in the following year.
Since residents who had access to a garden last year are given priority, we will contact you once the renewal period expires, i.e., when the number of available garden plots is confirmed.
Priority will be given to residents of the borough.
Residents have access to only one garden plot per address.
While waiting for a garden plot to become available, you can join one of our partners’ collective gardens (in French).
Once you are given a garden plot, you must pay the annual membership fee and provide the required documents.
Annual fee of $10, $15 or $20 payable directly to your garden committee.
There are three ways to make your payment:
- Online through the platform
- In cash paid to your garden committee as of May 1
- By cheque payable to your garden committee as of May 1
In the latter two cases , you must provide your first and last name, telephone number and garden plot number.
Required documents
When you are next on the waiting list, we will contact you to reserve your plot in a garden. You will need the following documents:
A photo of your driver’s license or bill from a utility company (Hydro-Québec, Gaz Métropolitain, etc.). These documents must be less than two months old at the time of reservation.
Register to join the waiting list
Point of service
First floor
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4
Our team will help you register online and, once you have obtained your garden, pay online.
If you are unable to pay online, you may submit a check or cash to the garden committee.
This service is not offered in this borough.
- To get a garden plot, you need to add your name to the waiting list (in French) and provide proof of residence.
- Starting May 1, any available plots will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis.
- Borough residents are given priority.
- A maximum of one plot will be assigned to each address.
Required documents
Please attach a copy of one of these documents to your application.
- Municipal tax bill
- Utility bill showing your address
- Valid driver’s license
- Accès Montréal or resident card
Fees | |
Free | |
Yearly fee | Between $5 and $20 |
Communication channels
Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social
The borough has two community gardens:
More than 150 garden plots are made available to residents:
- Full garden plots measuring three metres by six metres (10 ft by 20 ft)
- Half garden plots measuring three metres by three metres (10 ft by 10 ft)
- Raised beds
In order to secure a garden plot,you must register on a waiting list at one of the éco-quartier’s 2 service points. Waiting times for a small garden plot can exceed one year.
- At the start of the year, the available garden plots are assigned to people on the waiting list, in chronological order.
- Only one garden plot per address is assigned.
- Garden plots are reserved for residents of the borough.
Are you waiting for a garden plot to become available? Get informed about spaces in collective gardens (in French).
By registering for the community gardens program, you must undertake to read the Reference guide for community gardens and comply with the code of conduct and the applicable regulations at all times.
Community gardens are open from May 1 until the last Saturday in October. The fee is payable annually at the time of registration.
Registered users can occupy a garden free of charge. However, an annual membership fee is required to participate in garden activities and meet specific expenses set by the garden committee. The membership must be paid annually.
Full garden plots that become available are divided into half garden plots. Full garden plots are not offered to new gardeners.
Type of garden plot | Amount |
Full garden plot (3 m x 6 m) | $17 |
Half garden plot (3 m x 3 m) | $12 |
Raised bed | $9 |
Low-income applicants
Low-income earners may be exempted from paying the annual fee. They must present proof of low income (notice of assessment from Revenu Québec or the Canada Revenue Agency) at the time of registration. Low-income thresholds are those set out on the Statistics Canada Web site.
Required documents
- Photo ID
- Photo or PDF file with proof of address for the year in progress, such as a public utility bill (Hydro-Québec, telephone, etc.) dating back no more than three months
- Payment in cash only
Low-income applicants
- The most recent notice of assessment from Revenu Québec or Canada Revenue Agency
Communication channels
Éco-quartier Montréal-Nord
Montréal, QC H1H 4A9
Montréal, QC H1G 5T1
Community gardens are temporarily located in the Université de Montréal Éphémères gardens.
Fees | |
Per plot | $39.25 |
Communication channels
Division des sports, loisirs et sports
This service is not offered in this borough.
- To get a plot in a community garden, you must add your name on a waiting list.
- You can put your name on the list for only one community garden.
- You can do this at any time throughout the year.
- Lists are sent to garden committees for follow-up. They will tell you when to go to the garden in order to register and pay.
- Borough residents are given priority.
- Only people who are assigned a spot will be contacted.
- Each year, shortly before the renewal time, the teams in charge of the community garden program will contact you to let you know when and how to register.
Annual membership fee of $25
Required documents
Please provide the following document.
Show one form of proof of address from among the following options:
- Accès Montréal card
- School or municipal tax account
- Bill from a public utility (electricity, telephone, gas or cable provider) that is less than three months old
- Driver’s license
Register on the waiting list
Online payment by credit card.
Point of service
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1
Point of service
Montréal, QC H1E 6X5
Payment method
Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.
You can only come to Accès Montréal office if you are unable to register online.
- You can add your name to the waiting list.
- People whose name is on the waiting list for a garden plot will be contacted and offered one of the plots that is available once the renewal period is over.
- Plots are assigned to people on the waiting list on a first come, first serve basis.
- Being on the list does not mean you are guaranteed a garden plot this year, or even next year.
- There is a limit of one garden plot for each street address.
- You may add your name to only one waiting list for a garden in the borough.
- Borough residents are given priority.
Are you waiting for a space to become available? Use your gardening skills on public property by participating in the “Eco-quartier” campaign.
Fees | |
Full garden* | $19.50 |
Half garden plot or bin | $12 |
Membership fee | Between $5 and $15 |
*Gratuit pour les personnes prestataires de l’aide financière de dernier recours, sur présentation de leur carte d’identification officielle avant la date limite d’inscription. |
Communication channels
Payment methods:
- Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)
- Cheque
- Cash
Community garden
- To get a garden plot, send your request online or by mail during the registration period. This generally takes place between mid-March and mid-May.
- A draw will be held to assign garden plots to people who have sent a request.
- There is a maximum of one garden plot per address.
- Once selected, participants must show their Biblio-Loisirs card to get a plot.
Requested documents
Hold a Biblio-Loisirs card
Fees | |
Garden plot | $10 |
Communication channels
By phone
Section centre sportif et installations
- You can add your name to the waiting list.
- Available garden plots are assigned to people on the list on a first come, first serve basis.
Required documents
Photocopy of one of the following proofs of residence:
- Municipal tax bill
- Utility bill
- Valid driver’s license
Fees | |
Jardin Arthur-Péloquin - plot | $35 |
Jardin Couture - plot | $45 |
Jardin Jean-Rivard - plot | $35 |
Communication channels
By phone
Comité des usagers des jardins communautaires de Saint-Léonard
- Please contact the organization in charge of community garden activities you are interested in (see list below) for information about registration and fees.
- New membership requests are added to a waiting list.
- Borough residents are given priority.
Jardin communautaire du parc Adrien-D.-Archambault
Managed by the Société d’horticulture de l’Île-des-Soeurs
Contact :
Jardins communautaires Desmarchais et Woodland
Managed by the Société d’horticulture Les pouces verts de Verdun
Contact :
Jardin communautaire du parc Lucien-Caron
Managed by the organization Jardin du Pacifique
Contact :
- You can add your name to the waiting list for the garden of your choice.
- A person can register on the waiting list for one community garden only.
- People on the waiting list will be contacted only if garden plots become available.
- Having your name on the waiting list does not guarantee that a garden plot will become available during the year in progress or during the following year.
- Garden plots are allocated based on the order of registration on the waiting list.
- Limit of one garden plot per civic address.
- Borough residents are given priority.
Required documents
One of the following proofs of residence:
- Municipal tax bill
- Utility bill
- Valid driver’s license
- Accès Montréal card
- Bank or credit card statement
- Office municipal d’habitation de Montréal lease
Fees | |
Full garden plot | Free |
Membership fee | Between $5 and $30, depending on that particular garden’s committee |
Communication channels
Laboratoire sur l'agriculture urbaine (AU/LAB)
- You can add your name to the waiting list at anytime.
- Available garden plots are assigned on a first come, first served basis.
Fees | |
Full garden plot | $10 |
Raised garden bed - jardin De Normanville | $10 |
Half garden plot | $5 |
Raised garden bed | $5 |
Membership fee | Between $10 and $20 |
Communication channels
By mail
Bureau de la Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3
Methods of payment
- Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
- Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”
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