Organize a public event in your borough

Last updated September 24, 2024

Do you want to organize a sports, cultural or community event on the streets of your borough? You need a permit. Find out how to apply.

Your borough can issue you a permit to hold an event on public property. In general, the event must be free of charge and open to the general public.

Public property includes streets, parks, public squares, community gardens, pathways, medians and all outdoor areas owned by the city.

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Who can hold a public event?

Legally incorporated organizations in good legal standing.

What counts as a public event?

Not all activities are considered public events.

The eligible event must be:

  • Held on public property (parks, streets and other outdoor public spaces) 
  • A celebratory, sports, cultural, community or family event (non commercial)
  • Free of charge
  • Accessible to the population
  • Held by a legally constituted organization

Here are some examples of eligible events:

  • Sports event
  • Parade
  • Festival
  • Block party
  • Show

Ineligible events:

  • Birthday
  • Religious ceremony
  • Private company event
  • Wedding
  • Commercial or for-profit activity, such as a sidewalk sale
  • Garage sale

Do you plan to operate a food service space? Please make sure that you comply with the regulation concerning single-use plastics. View the guides issued by the Conseil québécois des événements écoresponsables for help in organizing your event.

For demonstrations, contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit your application

At least three months before the event:

  • Fill in the form below (in French)
  • Send it by e-mail to the borough along with the required documents
  • A borough employee will contact you and will advise you of any additional permits that you may need depending on the type of event

Required documents

  • Letters patent
  • Proof of liability insurance for $3 million to $5 million (depending on the risk involved), in which the “Ville de Montréal” is designated as an insured
  • Additional documentation may be required depending on the nature of your event.

For musical performances or broadcasting, you must also apply for a permit from SOCAN.

Fee (taxes included)

The fees for opening the file are based on the type of organization and the number of days between when you submit the application and the date of the event.

Non-profit organizations and school boards in Montréal:

- Three or more months before the event: $26.55

- Less than three months before the event: $102.20

Organizations outside Montréal:

- Three or more months before the event: $281

- Less than three months before the event: $562

Private companies:

- Three or more months before the event: $332.15

- Less than three months before the event: $664


Learn more


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social

555, rue Chabanel Ouest, bureau 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

Who can organize a public event?

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing
  • School boards

What counts as a public event?

Not all activities are considered eligible public events. Here are some examples of eligible events:

  • Cultural, sports, leisure or community activities
  • Festivals
  • Community or neighbourhood parties

Submit your application

At least 75 days before the event:

  • Fill out the Public event permit request (in French)
  • Send it to the borough with the required documents

Once you have your permit

Notify the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal and the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal of your event. Support may be available.


Communication channels


Who can organize a public event?

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing
  • Citizens sponsored by an organization recognized by the borough

What counts as a public event?

Not all activities are considered eligible public events. Here are some examples of eligible events:

  • Cultural, sports, leisure or community activities
  • Festivals
  • Community or neighbourhood parties

For demonstrations and processions, contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit your application

At least 20 working days before the next borough council meeting:

  • Fill out the application for a permit for an event on public property form (in French)
  • Send it to the borough with the required documents


Communication channels



Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social

5160, boulevard Décarie, bureau 710
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9

Submit an application

At least ninety days before the event:

  • Submit your request for a permit in writing
  • Specify the nature of the activity, the date and time of the event, and the desired location

Communication channels

To find out about the terms and conditions for organizing a public event in the borough of LaSalle, please write to: [email protected]

Who can organize a public event?

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing for at least six months
  • Citizens sponsored by an organization recognized by the borough

Is the event eligible?

Activities not needing a permit

You do not need a permit to hold a private gathering of less than 50 people and unstructured recreational activities like flying disc (Frisbee) and footbag (Hacky Sack).

The following conditions apply:

  • no amplified sound devices (radios, amplified speakers or other)
  • no equipment is added to the site: no tents, awnings, generators, inflatable games, or other
  • no vehicles may drive in the park
  • no glass containers used in the park
  • Only propane barbecues are allowed in picnic areas (charcoal barbecues are not allowed)
  • no sale of food or products
  • nothing is hung from public furnishings, including trees, benches, fences, lampposts, and similar
  • neighbouring activities in the park are respected
  • pedestrian circulation is not impeded
  • everything is left as it was before the activity
  • consumption of alcohol is permitted only when it accompanies a meal in designated areas.

Borough-authorized events 

Events requiring authorization from the borough must be of a social, sporting, cultural or community nature. They must meet the following 4 conditions:

  1. NPOs: Only non-profit organizations (NPOs) and individuals sponsored by an NPO may apply for an event permit.
  2. Public: The event must be open to the public.
  3. Free of charge: Access to the event must be completely free of charge.
  4. Insurance rider: You must provide a $3 to $5 million liability rider completed by your insurer.

Submit your application

At least 60 to 90 business days prior to the event:

  • Before submitting your application, please see the procedure in the promoter’s guide to organizing events on public property.
  • Complete the information form and submit it to us for review by e-mail.


Communication channels


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Who can organize a public event?

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing
  • A government agency or institution
  • Citizens sponsored by an organization recognized by the borough

What counts as a public event?

Not all activities are considered eligible public events.

Examples of eligible events include social, sports, cultural and community activities if they meet the following two conditions:

  1. Only non-profit organizations (NPOs) and individuals sponsored by an NPO may apply for an event permit.
  2. The event must be open to the public.

Note that if you wish to hold the following activities in public spaces, you do not need a permit:

  • Picnic for 50 people or fewer
  • Free recreational activities

The following conditions apply:

  • No sound amplification such as radio or amplifier
  • No equipment may be brought in: Big top, canopy, generator, inflatable games, etc.
  • No vehicles are permitted in the park
  • No glass containers are permitted in the park
  • Only propane barbecues are allowed in picnic areas (charcoal barbecues are not allowed)
  • No sales of products or food
  • Do not hang anything on the urban furniture: Tree, bench, fence, lamp post, etc.
  • Do not disturb other activities happening in the park
  • Do not block pedestrian traffic
  • Leave the site in the same condition as it was before the activity
  • Alcohol may be consumed only with a meal in the designated areas

For demonstrations, please contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit an application

To submit an application, you must :

  • Fill out the Fiche de renseignements pour la réalisation d’un événement sur le domaine public (in French)
  • Fill out the Proof of liability insurance for $3 million to $5 million (depending on the risk involved), in which the “Ville de Montréal” is designated as an insured
  • Submit the required documents by email

Someone from the borough will contact you to inform you of the next steps.

Application deadline

Be sure to check the date of your event and apply by the deadline so that we can process your application.

Event to be held in the month of

Document submission deadline

January 2024

November 1, 2023

February 2024

December 1, 2023

March 2024

January 1, 2024

April 2024

February 1, 2024

May 2024

March 1, 2024

June 2024

April 1, 2024

July 2024

May 1, 2024

August and September 2024

June 1, 2024

October 2024

August 1, 2024

November 2024

September 1, 2024

December 2024

October 1, 2024

January 2025

November 1, 2024

Fee (taxes included)

The file opening fee is in addition to the basic fee. The fees are established based on the type of organization and the number of days between the application and the date of the event.

Ninety days or more before the event

Partner organization recognized by the borough


Montréal NPOs, groups, school boards, CPEs, social economy enterprises


NPOs outside Montréal


Other type of organization


Sixty to 89 days before the event

Partner organization recognized by the borough


Montréal NPOs, groups, school boards, CPEs, social economy enterprises


NPOs outside Montréal


Other type of organization


Thirty to 59 days before the event

Partner organization recognized by the borough


Montréal NPOs, groups, school boards, CPEs, social economy enterprises


NPOs outside Montréal


Other type of organization


Organizations that are not borough-recognized partners may not submit applications less than 30 days before the planned date of an event.


Communication channels



Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social

Promotion et événements spéciaux
815, rue Bel-Air, 1er étage
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4

Who can organize a public event?

Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing

What counts as a public event?

Not all activities are considered eligible public events. In general, the following events are eligible:

  • Cultural, sports or scientific activity
  • Community or neighbourhood party
  • Festival
  • Parade, march, procession
  • Commercial promotion (sidewalk sale)

For events, contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit an application

At least two months before the event:

  • Submit your request for a permit in writing
  • Specify the nature of the activity, the date and time of the event, and the desired location


Free of charge



Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Bureau d’arrondissement

350, montée de l’Église
Montréal, QC H9C 1G9

What is a public event?

A social, sports, cultural, recreational or community event of a festive nature that takes place on public property on an occasional or regular basis.

Who can organize a public event?

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs)
  • Residents sponsored by an organization recognized by the borough
  • A for-profit organization or resident who becomes a promoter and accepts the responsibility and obligations of hosting a public event.

What events are eligible?

Use of public property is a privilege, not a right. In general, events are eligible if they: 

  • Are free to access for the entire population 
  • Avoid all forms of discrimination, particularly with regard to ethnic origin, religious affiliation or mobility
  • Harmonize all activities with the main characteristics of the chosen location and its environment (e.g. a sports field cannot be used for a show) 

Please note that events of a private nature are not eligible (for example, weddings, birthdays, or baptisms).

For demonstrations, contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit your application

Submit your application between 60 and 90 working days before the event

  • See the Promoter’s Guide (in French) for the steps to follow
  • Complete and submit the online form (in French)


Communication channels


Who can organize a public event?

Sponsoring organizations recognized by the borough and in good legal standing.

Is the event eligible?

One-time or recurring activities or series of activities that comply with the laws and regulations in force meet the eligibility criteria for public events.

A permit is required for an event to be supported and held in Montréal-Nord.

However, some free activities do not require a permit.

Free activities not needing a permit

Some outdoor public spaces, such as parks and public squares, are made available to residents for free activities. So, any gathering of 25 people or less that meets the following conditions does not require a permit:

  • No exclusive use of spaces
  • No amplified sound devices (radios, amplified speakers, etc.)
  • No equipment brought in (marquees, canopies, generators, inflatable games, etc.)
  • No vehicles in public parks and squares
  • No glass containers in the parks
  • No lighting of fires (barbecues or other)
  • No sale of food or other products
  • No hanging anything on public furnishings (trees, benches, fences, lampposts, etc.)
  • Respect for other nearby activities
  • No obstruction to pedestrian traffic
  • Locations must be cleaned up and restored to the way they were before the activity
  • No alcohol consumption.

Communication channels

Who can hold a public event?

  • Legally incorporated for-profit organizations (corporation) and non-profits in good legal standing
  • Residents

Submit your application

From 60 to 90 business days prior to the event:

  • Complete the information sheet for holding an event on public property.
  • Send it by e-mail, with the required documents.

An agent from the borough will contact you concerning the next steps to follow.


Communication channels


999 Avenue McEachran
Montréal, QC H2V 3E6

Who can organize a public event?

  • Community organizations
  • Foundations and philanthropic organizations.
  • Institutional, public or parapublic organizations

What counts as a public event?

Not all activities are considered eligible public events. Here are some examples of eligible events:

  • Promotional event
  • Festival
  • Fun fair
  • Popular festival
  • Circus

Submit your application

  • Fill in the form below 
  • Send it by e-mail to the borough

Application deadline

  • March 15: for events taking place from June 1 to October 31
  • August 15: for events taking place from November 1 to May 1


Communication channels

Who can organize a public event?

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing
  • Citizens
  • Institutions
  • Businesses

What counts as a public event?

For an event to be eligible, it must be accessible and free to the general public. It cannot be offered exclusively or primarily to the members of the organization that is carrying out the event.

The use of public property is a privilege, not a right.

Apply for a permit

You need to get a permit or authorization to:

  • Occupancy of public property
  • Use of sound systems outdoors
  • Outdoor projection or laser show
  • Solicitations, fund drive, draws and contests
  • Sales of food or non-alcoholic beverages in equipped kiosks
  • Sales or consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Sales of goods
  • Traffic calming

Note that if you wish to hold the following activities in public spaces, you do not need a permit:

  • Picnic for 50 people or fewer
  • Wedding
  • Free recreational activities, such as flying disc (Frisbee) or aki

The following conditions apply:

  • No sound amplification such as radio or amplifier
  • No equipment may be brought in: Big top, canopy, generator, inflatable games, etc.
  • No vehicles are permitted in the park
  • No glass containers are permitted in the park
  • Only propane barbecues are allowed in picnic areas (charcoal barbecues are not allowed)
  • No sales of products or food
  • Do not hang anything on the urban furniture: Tree, bench, fence, lamp post, etc.
  • Do not disturb other activities happening in the park
  • Do not block pedestrian traffic
  • Leave the site in the same condition as it was before the activity
  • Alcohol may be consumed only with a meal in the designated areas
  • No flames from braziers or fires, etc., and no fireworks
  • The health guidelines issued by Santé publique must be followed.

For demonstrations, please contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit an application

Between 60 and 90 working days before the event:

  • See the Promoter’s Guide (in French) for the steps to follow to apply for an event
  • Fill out the form Demande d’autorisation pour l’organisation d’un événement public à RDP-PAT (in French)
  • Submit the form along with the required documents


Fees may apply.


Communication channels



Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social

12090 rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1

Temporary public property occupancy permit

Organizations that have been legally constituted for at least six months and are acting as the official promoter of a public event can submit an application.

Who can organize a public event?

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs)
  • A municipal, provincial or federal political elected official
  • A person who acts as a school commissioner
  • A government agency or institution
  • A cooperative or for-profit organization, excluding sole proprietorships

What counts as a public event?

Only certain activities meet the eligibility criteria for public events.

Note that you do not need a permit to hold a private gathering of less than 60 people when there is no consumption of alcohol, sound amplification or equipment installation. Public spaces cannot be reserved: They are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

For demonstrations, please contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit an application

At least 90 business days prior to the event:

  • See the Politique d’événements dans les espaces publics and the Promoter’s guide (in French) for the steps to follow
  • Inform the borough by e-mail that you wish to submit an application
  • Complete the Demande d’autorisation pour l’organisation d’un événement public (in French) and submit it to the borough with the required documents
  • Once the event is approved by the borough, you will receive an invoice. Your permit will be issued once you have paid the invoice

Applications that are submitted less than 59 days before the event will not be accepted.


Please see the schedule of fees in the documents below.

  • The costs of opening and analyzing the file depend on whether the event is free to attend or not, the type of organization and the number of days between the application and the date of the event
  • Permits to occupy a sports or neighbourhood park (excluding the rental of some sports fields) are available at no charge. Events with paid attendance and political activities by incorporated organizations cannot be hosted in a sports or neighbourhood park.
  • Permits to occupy a recreational park or event area are issued free of charge, except for events with paid attendance and political activities by incorporated organizations (see fee schedule below).
  • Other fees for use of parks and equipment may be added


Communication channels


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social

5650, rue D'Iberville, 2e étage
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

Who can organize a public event

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing
  • Citizens sponsored by an organization recognized by the borough

Even if we authorize your event, you may require additional authorizations in certain cases. We encourage you to take out third-party liability insurance.


Apply at least 4 weeks before the desired date of the event.

Required documents

1. Letter with the following information: 

  • Date and time of the event
  • Location (one or more)
  • Name of the organization, address, telephone number and e-mail
  • Name, address, telephone number and e-mail of the organizer

2. Development plan (sketch) if you are using removable structures and cooking food

Submit an application

777 Boulevard Marcel-Laurin
Montréal, QC H4M 2M7

Who can organize a public event?

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing
  • For-profit organizations

What counts as a public event?

Not all activities are considered eligible public events. In general, events are eligible if:

  • They are inclusive, i.e. no discrimination is permitted
  • Their promoter is committed to taking tangible actions to favour universal accessibility and eco-responsibility
  • They promote citizen participation
  • Their promoter is committed to taking tangible actions to favour universal accessibility and eco-responsibility
  • They are secular, that is, they do not display any religious symbols and do not include any religious activities, including processions, which are prohibited in the parks

For demonstrations, please contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit an application

At least 30 days before the event (or 90 days when there is a street closing):

  • See the Promoter’s guide (in French) to find out the steps to follow
  • Complete the application form included in this package
  • Submit the form, the required documents and your payment to the borough.

Fee (taxes included)

Opening the file: $48


Communication channels


Extension number 8502

Division des sports, des loisirs et du développement social

8400, boulevard Lacordaire
Montréal, QC H1R 3B1

Who may organize a public event?

  • A legally constituted non-profit organization (legal person);
  • A resident sponsored by an organization recognized by the borough.

Is the event eligible?

Some types of activity are acceptable for these requests, while others don’t meet the eligibility criteria for public events. Activities of a social, sporting, cultural or community nature are eligible. 

However, the following activities may take place without a permit in public spaces: 

  • picnics of 50 people or less
  • marriage celebrations
  • unstructured recreational activities like flying disc (Frisbee) and footbag (Hacky Sack).

Certain conditions must be respected: 

  • no amplified sound devices (radios, amplified speakers or other)
  • no equipment is added to the site: no tents, awnings, generators, inflatable games, or other
  • no vehicles may drive in the park
  • no glass containers used in the park
  • cooking appliances that use charcoal briquettes are permitted, but not recommended, in areas where picnic tables are installed. These appliances must be set up at least 1 metre away from any flammable material. The use of propane is not permitted.
  • no sale of food or products
  • nothing is hung from public furnishings, including trees, benches, fences, lampposts, and similar
  • neighbouring activities in the park are respected
  • pedestrian circulation is not impeded
  • everything is left as it was before the activity
  • consumption of alcohol is permitted only when it accompanies a meal in designated areas.

Spontaneous artistic performances

When a space is not occupied by a public event, artists may perform there without a permit between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. The following rules must be respected:

  • No equipment is added to the site: no tents, awnings, tables, decorations, ground paint or other
  • no sale of food or products
  • the site is not used for promotional purposes
  • no vehicle may drive or be parked on the site
  • no performance may use pyrotechnics, fire or flames 
  • no solicitation or requests for donations

The principle of first come, first served applies.

Sound amplification is permitted up to a maximum of 80 DBA measured at 35 m from sound devices. 

Submit your Request

Please view the event promoter’s guide for details on the eligibility criteria and the steps to follow.

Please submit the completed application for authorization to organize an event on public property (in French) a minimum of 90 days before the date of your event. Failure to meet the submission deadline may result in the application being denied.

You will receive an notification of receipt within 10 days of submitting your application.


Communication channels

Who can hold a public event?

Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing.

What counts as a public event?

Not all activities are considered eligible public events. In general, social, sports, cultural, recreational or community events that are free of charge and non-discriminatory are eligible.

Note that if you wish to hold the following activities in public spaces, you do not need a permit:

  • Picnic for 50 people or fewer
  • Wedding
  • Free recreational activities, such as flying disc (Frisbee) or aki

The following conditions apply:

  • No sound amplification such as radio or amplifier
  • No equipment may be brought in: Big top, canopy, generator, inflatable games, etc.
  • Charcoal barbecues are not allowed (only propane barbecues are allowed in picnic areas)
  • No vehicles are permitted in the park
  • No glass containers are permitted in the park
  • No sales of products or food
  • Do not hang anything on the urban furniture: Tree, bench, fence, lamp post, etc.
  • Do not disturb other activities happening in the park
  • Do not block pedestrian traffic
  • Leave the site in the same condition as it was before the activity
  • Alcohol may be consumed only with a meal in the designated areas

For demonstrations, contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit an application

Between 60 and 90 days before the event:

  • Complete the Demande d’autorisation pour la tenue d’un événement sur le domaine public (in French)
  • Submit the application along with the required documents.

Fee (taxes included)



Communication channels

Who can organize a public event?

  • Legally incorporated non-profit organizations (NPOs) in good legal standing
  • Citzens

What counts as a public event?

Not all activities are considered eligible public events.

Here are some examples of eligible events:

  • Sports event
  • Parade
  • Block party
  • Walk
  • Projection
  • Show

Ineligible events:

  • Anniversary
  • Wedding
  • Commercial or for-profit activity, such as a sidewalk sale

For demonstrations, please contact your neighbourhood police station.

Submit an application

At least three months before the event:

  • Refer to the “Guide to Planning an Event on Public Property” (in French) to learn more about the process. 
  • Read the “Policy on Environmentally Responsible Events” (in French).
  • Fill out the forms in this order:
    • Permit application to hold an event on public property (in French)
    • Liability insurance rider (in French)
    • “My Environmentally Responsible Event” online form (in French)


Communication channels



Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social

405, avenue Ogilvy, bureau 200
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3